Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?

Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga for Eyes

By making yoga a part of daily routine, everyone can live a disease free life. The benefits of yoga include maintaining physical and mental health as well as eyesight. If power glasses are worn due to weakness of eyes, then the help of yoga can be taken to remove the glasses. Yes, in this article of Knowledge Showledge we are giving complete information related to yoga to remove glasses from eyes.

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First of all, read how yoga is beneficial for removing glasses.

How Is Yoga Mudra Beneficial In Removing Glasses?

Yoga can be beneficial in improving eyesight. This is also mentioned in the research published on NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information). According to this study, doing yoga can reduce eye fatigue and eye discomfort. Other scientific research has shown that the relaxation technique of yoga can improve the quality of eyesight. Not only this, yoga can also improve vision by increasing blood circulation in the eyes and its surrounding areas. On the basis of these facts, yoga postures and yoga asanas are considered beneficial for removing glasses.

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Now we are giving information about yoga to remove glasses from eyes.

Yoga to Remove Glasses

If you want to take help of yoga to remove glasses, then know about it in detail further. Here we are telling the names of yogasanas that improve eyesight and the way to do it.

Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?


Shirshasana is made up of two Sanskrit words Shirsha and Asana, which means doing yoga with the support of the head. In this yoga, a person has to stand on his head, hence it is considered a difficult yoga. A medical study suggests that performing Shirshasana can enhance the blood flow to the eyes. Research has also shown that this yoga increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients, which can directly benefit the eyes.

Method of Doing Yoga

  • To do Shirshasana, first spread the yoga mat and sit in Vajrasana posture.
  • Now entangle the fingers of both your hands and place your hands on the ground while bending towards the front.
  • Then bend your head and place it between the two hands and rest it on the ground.
  • After this, slowly lift both the legs upwards together and straighten the legs.
  • In this posture the entire body should be straight along with the head.
  • Maintain the balance of your body by taking support from the elbows.
  • Now remain in this position for some time as per your capacity.
  • During this period, keep inhaling and exhaling regularly.
  • After this, while exhaling, slowly bring the legs down and come to the starting posture.
  • Beginner practitioners can do two to three cycles of this yoga asana under the supervision of an expert.


  • People suffering from pain in head, neck, shoulders, arms or back should avoid doing this yoga asana.
  • High blood pressure patients should avoid doing this yoga asana.
  • People above 50 years of age should avoid doing this yoga asana.
  • Do not do Shirshasana even during pregnancy.
Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?


Sarvangasana is also included in the list of yoga to remove glasses from eyes. A medical research related to this has shown that Sarvangasana can be better for eyesight. According to research, this yoga asana can improve eyesight by improving blood circulation in the ENT area i.e. eyes, ears and nose.

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Method of Doing Yoga

  • To do Sarvangasana, first spread a mat and lie down on your back. At this time, keep both hands straight by keeping them close to the body.
  • Now, with both the legs together, slowly lift the hips and waist upwards.
  • While supporting the waist with both hands, rest the elbows on the ground.
  • Make sure that both the legs are close to each other and straight.
  • During this time the weight of the body will be on the elbows, shoulders and head. At the same time, the chin will be touching the chest.
  • Remain in this position for a few seconds and keep the process of inhaling and exhaling normal.
  • After this, slowly bring the legs, buttocks and waist down and come back to the initial position.
  • This asana can be done two to three times in the beginning.


  • Do not perform this yoga pose while pregnant.
  • A person suffering from serious heart disease should not do this asana.
  • If you have neck pain, do not do this yoga asana.
Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?


Anulom-Vilom can also be included in the sum of removing glasses. During a scientific research, some school girls were made to do yoga to improve eyesight. One of those yogas was Anulom Vilom. At the end of the research, it has been said that doing yoga regularly can improve eyesight.

Method of Doing Yoga

  • To do Anulom-Vilom, first spread a yoga mat on a clean place and sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana posture.
  • If someone is having trouble sitting on the floor, they can sit upright on a chair.
  • For this yoga, use the thumb and middle finger of the right hand.
  • At this time the whole body will be straight and then both the eyes will be closed.
  • Now take a deep breath once or twice and exhale slowly and try to keep the mind calm.
  • Then close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand and take a long and deep breath from the left nostril.
  • Do not apply too much force to breathe, take deep breaths as per your capacity.
  • Now close the left nostril by pressing it with the middle finger of your right hand and remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale slowly.
  • After pausing for about 10 seconds, take a long and deep breath through the right nostril.
  • After this repeat the same process from the other nostril.

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  • People suffering from serious heart disease should do this only after consulting the doctor.
  • Pregnant women must consult a doctor and yoga expert before doing it.
Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?


During Halasana, the shape of the body appears similar to a plow plowing the land. According to a scientific study, doing Halasana keeps the mind calm and can cure insomnia. Actually, depression and insomnia also have a negative impact on eyesight. On this basis, it can be said that doing Halasana can have a positive effect on eyesight.

Method of Doing Yoga

  • To do Halasana, first spread a mat on a clean and flat place.
  • Now lie down straight on the mat with your back supported.
  • At this time both the hands will be close to the body and the palms will be towards the ground.
  • Then while inhaling, lift both the legs together up to 90 degrees.
  • If someone has difficulty in lifting the legs, they can support the waist with their hands.
  • After this, while exhaling, slowly move both the legs backwards from above the head.
  • Now try to touch the ground with the toes of both feet.
  • Then remove the hands from the waist and place them straight on the ground.
  • Remain in this position for some time and inhale and exhale normally.
  • Now come to the starting position while breathing.
  • You can perform this yoga pose three or five times.


  • Do not do Halasana during diarrhea or menstruation.
  • Avoid doing this yoga in case of neck injury.
  • It is not advised to perform this pose while pregnant.

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Let us know about other yoga to remove glasses.

Other Yoga to Remove Glasses

Apart from the yoga mentioned above, other yoga can also be done to remove glasses from the eyes. We are giving information about those yogas below.


Other yoga poses to remove glasses from eyes also include blinking. Doing blinking exercise can help relax the eye muscles. Besides this, eye stress also reduces. Due to all this, both eye health and vision can improve. For this reason, blinking exercise is considered good for removing glasses.

How to Do It

  • First of all, spread the mat and sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana posture.
  • At this time, keep both the eyes open and keep the blinking process normal.
  • Now take a long and deep breath. Immediately after this, blink rapidly for about 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Then keep both eyes closed for about 10 seconds and keep inhaling and exhaling.
  • You can repeat this process four to five times after pausing for a few seconds.

Rubbing Palms

In this process the hands are warmed by rubbing. According to research published on the NCBI website, this relaxes the eye muscles and can also revive them. It may also help in stimulating the circulation of aqueous humor (fluid present in the eyes). This can reduce eye related problems and have a positive effect on eyesight.

How to Do It

  • For this, first of all spread a yoga mat and sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana position.
  • Then close both your eyes and take a long and deep breath and release it slowly.
  • Now rub both your palms together.
  • As soon as the palms become warm, place them over the closed eyes.
  • During this, the heat of the palms reaches the eyes.
  • Leave the hands on the eyelids for some time.
  • After that, you can rub your palms again and place them on the eyelids.
  • This process can be repeated daily for one to two minutes.
Best Yoga to Remove Glasses from Eyes | Yoga For Eyes | How to Remove Glasses from Eyes? | How to Improve Eyesight?

Rolling the Eyes in a Circular Motion

Eye rotation exercises can also be included in the yoga of removing glasses. In this exercise, both the eyes are rotated simultaneously. This may help maintain balance in the muscles around the eyes and improve the movement of the eyeballs.

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How to Do It

  • To do this, sit in Sukhasana posture.
  • Now close both your eyes for about 5 seconds and then open your eyes once by taking a long and deep breath.
  • Then continuously rotate both the eyes from left to right in a circular motion like a clockwise hand.
  • Rotate at least 5 rounds at a time and close your eyes and take a break of 10 seconds.
  • Then open your eyes and rotate them anti-clockwise i.e. from right to left.
  • This entire process can be done three to four times intermittently.

Looking From Front to Right-Left

It can also be included in yoga to remove glasses from eyes. Doing this yoga can reduce the tension of strained muscles, thereby preventing damage to eyesight. Its positive effect can be seen in eyesight.

How to Do It

  • Spread a mat on a clean place and sit in Padmasana posture.
  • After this, make a fist with your right hand and bring the hand directly in line with the shoulder. Then open the thumb and lift it upwards like a thumbs up.
  • Then fix your eyes on the upper part of the thumb.
  • Now take a long breath and release it slowly.
  • Then take the hand to the left and keep the eyes on the thumb only.
  • During this time only the eyes will move along with the thumb. The head will remain stable. Do not rotate it at all.
  • After this, take the hand forward again and lower it.
  • Now repeat this process with the right hand on the right side.
  • This process can take 5 to 8 cycles.
  • Finally, close your eyes and inhale for a while and exhale.

Seeing Near and Far

Other yoga poses to remove glasses include seeing near and far. Regular practice of this yoga kriya can improve the focusing eye muscles. This can also help in improving eyesight.

How to Do It

  • First of all, sit in a comfortable posture on the yoga mat and place the thumb of your left hand in front of the eyes.
  • In this process, first the thumb will be near the eyes and then slowly move it away from the eyes.
  • During this activity, keep your eyes focused on the thumb only.
  • This exercise can be done 5 to 10 times by taking a break.

Looking From Top to Bottom

According to a medical research, looking up and down can improve the upper and lower muscles of the eyeballs. This can improve eyesight to some extent, hence it can be given the status of yoga and exercise for removing glasses.

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How to Do It

  • Spread out a yoga mat and take a seat on it first.
  • Then make a fist of one hand and turn the thumb up.
  • Now bring the thumb directly in front of the eyes and keep an eye on it.
  • After this, slowly move the thumb first down and then up. While doing this, keep your eyes on the thumb only.
  • This activity can be done intermittently 5 to 10 times.
  • After doing this, close your eyes for some time and keep inhaling and exhaling.

Eyes are a precious part of human life. By ignoring them, the problems related to this keep increasing day by day. In such a situation, by paying attention to it in time, the eyes can be protected from diseases and loss of vision. For this, include the yogasanas and exercises mentioned in the article in your daily routine. This can prevent the condition of wearing glasses and keep the eyes healthy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Yoga Help Remove Glasses?

Yes, yoga can help in removing glasses. Actually, through yoga, blood circulation of the eyes improves, which can improve the quality of eyesight.

Can Glasses Be Removed Naturally?

Yes, glasses can be removed naturally. For this, you can do Shirshasana, Sarvangasana, Anulom-Vilom and Halasana along with other yogas given in the article.

Which Exercises Can Get Rid Of Glasses?

To get rid of glasses, exercises like blinking, rubbing palms, rotating the eyes in circles can be done.

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