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Sample Answers To The Question “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?”
It may appear simple to respond to this interview question concerning weakness.
But believe us when we tell that you don’t want to wind up saying things like “I’m too flawless” or “I pay too much attention to detail.”
We give the best response examples to in this blog “”What is your greatest weakness?” with a bonus top ten list of replies.
Let’s get this party started!
Why Do Interviewers Inquire About “Your Biggest Weakness?” “?
Interviewers will ask you questions such as, “What is your greatest weakness?” to comprehend where you are lacking in your opinion
Answering interview questions concerning weaknesses demonstrates self-awareness, honesty, and the ability to improve oneself.
Furthermore, if you can describe how you intend to address your flaws, you will earn extra points from the interviewers.
You may also utilise this occasion to discuss past employment’ issues and how you coped with them.
This will demonstrate to the interviewers that you are capable of dealing with your worst faults and take self-improvement seriously.
How Do You Respond To The Question, “What Is Your Greatest Weakness?”
Struggling to come up with a suitable answer to the question, “What is your greatest weakness?”
Here are some simple strategies to prepare for this question.
Examine Your CV against the Job Description
Have you ever read a job description and found yourself deficient in key areas?
It occurs to everyone unless you are fortunate enough to discover a career that is tailor-made particularly for you.
This omission in the job description and CV might provide you with the ideal response to interview queries concerning weakness.
Compare your CV to the JD and determine what you are lacking while ready to discuss your worst deficiencies.
This demonstrates your preparedness for the interview, and the thorough research reflects your approach for the position.
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Make a List of All Your Flaws
Nobody wants to talk about something they aren’t excellent at. Sometimes you don’t even realise you have a flaw.
However, it is this self-awareness that interviewers seek to assess with queries such as “What is your greatest weakness?”
To respond successfully, develop a list of all the professional flaws you can think of.
You can seek assistance from your co-workers and supervisors (if you have a good connection with them) in identifying areas for development.
Then, eliminate the talents you believe may backfire and choose for a trait that will not have a direct impact on your chances of receiving the job or is readily remedied.
Select A Modest, Repairable Flaw
Dealing with interview questions concerning shortcomings necessitates extensive preparation since your response might make or break the transaction.
So, pick a tiny flaw that is simple to address. Some of these flaws include:
- A lack of expertise about a technology;
- Public speaking anxiety;
- Spending too much time researching and accumulating data; and
- Organisational or time management concerns.
- Being too concerned with current initiatives
Consider These Five Critical Questions
Many of us are ignorant of our flaws and seldom feel compelled to change ourselves.
But the fact is that no one is flawless, and everyone lacks something.
Ask yourself these five questions to determine your greatest weakness.
- Do you lack a talent that is essential to your job?
- What was the cause of your most recent failure, and how did you overcome it?
- Have you ever received comments on your working style from your superiors?
- Have your co-workers pointed out any peculiarities about you?
- What is one attribute you wish you possessed?
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Respond Truthfully With a Genuine Vulnerability
Making up a weakness or lying in an interview does not work well for most job seekers and might get you in hot water.
The interviewers are bright individuals who can see through such ruses.
So, while answering the question “What is your greatest weakness?” avoid talking about irrelevant flaws and don’t try to transform a good into a negative.
Being too punctual, overly flawless, or overly committed in work are not true flaws!
Choose a talent from the list (Step 3) and share with your recruiter a true weakness linked to the position you are interviewing for.
Describe How You Are Addressing Your Weaknesses
Answering the question “What is your greatest weakness?” requires you to discuss how you intend to overcome it.
Job applicants who discuss their action plan create a significantly stronger impression in interviews because they demonstrate a desire to learn and grow out of their weaknesses.
It also demonstrates the individual’s willingness to invest work and time rectifying a mistake, making him/her a promising prospect.
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Answers to the question “What is your greatest weakness?”
Let us look at some sample responses to interview questions concerning weakness.
Here are some examples of “What is your greatest weakness?” responses based on unique positions and experiences.
You can draw inspiration from these templates to create your own unique response.
When you lack a necessary ability
Exemplification 1
My greatest shortcoming is my lack of expertise of JavaScript code.
Although I am familiar with JavaScript writing, I have never had the opportunity to utilise it for backend operations.
In my three years of experience, I’ve gotten proficient in Python and C++.
I’ve also led various initiatives for previous organisations. I learned Django in 27 days for one such project.
I observed that the job description calls for someone who is fluent in both JavaScript and C++, and while I am fluent in C++, I will need to brush up on JavaScript.
To do the same, I’ve already enrolled in online programmes and want to master JavaScript coding by the end of the month.
When you have a personality fault that interferes with your career.
Exemplification 2
One of my biggest flaws is that I’m very obsessed about reaching deadlines, and when that doesn’t appear to happen, I become frustrated too quickly.
We were required to send out copies at a specific time during my first years as a PR professional for ABC firm.
Even 5 minutes beyond the deadline would make me apprehensive, and I would feel uneasy even after I had delivered the content copies.
However, I’m doing everything I can to conquer it. I organize my day a week in advance and schedule all things to ensure that I complete them well before the deadlines.
My streak has lasted over two years and is still going strong.
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When you have a frequent fault that has no effect on your job
Exemplification 3
My organising abilities are one of the things I wish I could improve.
I frequently have a cluttered workstation, and organising my thoughts may be similarly difficult.
Even if it has no effect on my productivity or efficiency, I believe I could do more in a more structured workplace.
Every day, I spend 15 minutes cleaning my workplace and laptop. I get rid of the clutter and eliminate any unnecessary files and papers.
I usually bring a notebook and pen with me to write notes so that I don’t forget anything.
When being overly preoccupied with work is your downfall
Exemplification 4
One of my biggest flaws is that I’m generally too preoccupied with the task at hand, which eventually leads to a blurred line between work and life balance.
I have a bad tendency of spending too much time on my laptop. I used to check my email first thing in the morning for the first two years.
When I discovered I was usually exhausted, which had a direct influence on my efficiency, I recognised I needed to make adjustments in my lifestyle.
I now make time for myself and have made some good changes to my schedule. I meditate and spend time with my family and myself.
It allows me to unwind for a while and has resulted in a more proactive lifestyle.
When you are looking for your first job,
Exemplification 5
One of my worst flaws is my inability to share duties with members of my team.
I become too involved in tasks and take on more obligations because I want to handle everything myself.
I eventually wind up having a lot on my plate and have to run from north to south on my own.
For example, as captain of the college football team, I was tasked with organising an inter-college match.
I took care of everything myself, leaving very little for others to do.
I eventually understood that not only did it fatigue me, but it also created suspicion among my co-workers.
They assumed I didn’t want them to do anything because I didn’t trust them, but the fact was that I simply wanted things to be flawless.
I worked on delegating after realizing its necessity, and I’ve been doing so ever since.
After that event, I established plans and charts with tasks allocated to people and was able to re-establish trust in my team.
I aspire to be able to do so in the future when I work for a prestigious organisation like yours.
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Top ten responses to “What is your greatest weakness?”
Aside from the example replies, below are the ten most basic flaws that you can expound on in an interview:
- Leadership abilities
- Leadership style
- Poor delegation abilities
- Ineffective verbal communication
- Inadequacy of diplomacy
- The continual urge to maintain control
- Time-management abilities
- Organizational abilities
- Ineffective team player
- Inability to offer constructive feedback
Finally, I hope you are now prepared to answer the question “What is your greatest weakness?” as well as other interview questions concerning weakness.
Remember, your greatest weakness might land you your dream job.
All it takes is a well-written response and practice to get it correctly.