20 Amazing Hindu Traditions with Scientific Reason | Incredible Indian Traditions, Beliefs & Culture with Scientific Significance

Amazing Scientific Reasons behind Great Hindu Traditions & Beliefs

India has long been thought to be a culturally and traditionally rich country. There are no two ways about it: India’s culture and civilisation are among the world’s richest and most cultured. Indian literature and Puranas provide a glimpse of this. People from all cultures and traditions are socially independent here, which is why there are strong links of unification across religions.

No matter how much India progresses or how contemporary its people become, there are still some hindu traditions and rituals that people have followed for generations and will continue to follow because it is part of their identity. Many individuals question our hindu traditions, culture, and practises, believing that they are nothing more than superstitions. Let us learn about the 20 Indian cultural hindu traditions and practises about which people have superstitions, as well as the scientific significance of these superstitions.

Applying Vermilion to Married Women

After marriage, Indian ladies wear vermilion in the centre of their forehead as a kind of decoration. It is a marriage sign. Because vermilion is made up of a blend of turmeric, lime, and mercury metal, it helps to keep blood pressure in check. Mercury is found in vermilion, which helps to maintain the body free of pressure and tension.

Women Wearing Bangles & Bracelets

Indian women’s hands are frequently adorned with bangles and bracelets. The wrist, according to researchers, is the region of the body utilised to assess a person’s pulse. Furthermore, when electricity passes through the outer skin of the body but is blocked by bangles, it returns to the body, benefiting the body.

Applying Mehndi on Hands and Feet in Marriage

It has been noted that the ritual of mehndi is conducted on the feet and hands of a guy and a girl prior to their marriage. Applying mehndi is thought to help with difficulties. As a result, mehndi is applied to the bride and groom’s hands and feet during the wedding.

Hindu Tradition of Women Wear Bichhiya

Women who wear bichhiya have scientific significance because it controls blood flow. Silver beds absorb polar energy, which keeps the body healthy.

The Practice of Sitting on the Ground and Eating Food

The greatest way to eat is to take a seat and eat. One scientific explanation is that when food is consumed while sitting, the body remains calm and the ability to digest food improves. This tells the brain that the meal is ready to be broken down.

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Do Not Sleep With Your Head Facing North

Sleeping with your head facing north is considered unlucky in Hinduism. The scientific explanation for this is that when we sleep with our heads facing north, our bodies become heterogeneous because to the presence of a magnetic field similar to that of the earth. As a result, the body experiences issues such as high blood pressure, headaches, and cognitive difficulties.

Hindu Tradition Visiting Temples

The temple’s ambience has a psychological influence that helps people focus on their goals. People think that temples are where God resides. That is why, for the sake of His worshippers, God appears in temples. Going to the temple causes waves in the body due to the sound of bells and mantras, which are significant in understanding our nervous system’s feelings. Going to the temple fills us with great sentiments, allowing us to perform better at work.

Tilak on Forehead

Tilak application on the forehead is also significant. Even today, tilak is applied to the forehead before worship is performed. It aids in the body’s concentration. Tilak also protects the body from energy waste.

Hanging of Bells in Temples

Most temples have bells mounted at the entrances and exits so that people can ring them as they arrive and exit. The scientific significance of ringing a bell is that its echo lasts for 7 seconds every time it is rung, and this echo activates our bodies’ seven healing areas. This clears our minds of any unpleasant thoughts that may arise.

Fasting – A Hindu Tradition

Men and women in India have a long tradition of fasting on festivals and other occasions. The scientific reason for this is that fasting comprises 70% water in the human body, which allows the body to preserve its conscience. One of the benefits of fasting is that it allows the digestive system to rest for a while.

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20 Amazing Hindu Traditions with Scientific Reason | Incredible Indian Traditions, Beliefs & Culture with Scientific Significance
Amazing Hindu Traditions with Scientific Reason

Worshiping the Peepal Tree

Despite the fact that the peepal tree produces neither fruits nor flowers, it is revered in Hinduism. The peepal tree is also revered. Peepal is the only tree, according to scientists, that emits oxygen into the atmosphere 24 hours a day. So there is a legend that this tree is considered very sacred in Hinduism because of its value, and that people worship it.

Worship of Tulsi Tree

Apart from peepal, India has a long-standing custom of worshipping the basil tree. Women venerate it as a mother. Tulsi, by the way, is a type of medicine used to treat a variety of ailments. It is stated that where a basil tree grows, the air is clean. Mosquitoes and insects are kept out of the house by having a basil tree inside.

Worship of Idols

When a new idol is brought into the house in Hinduism, it is worshipped first and then installed. Scientists feel that idol worship encourages prayer concentration. By assuming the idol to be genuine, one can conceive God. This makes him imagine a parallel universe. This improves one’s ability to think about and believe in unseen forces.

Greet With Folded Hands

When we Indians meet someone new, we greet them with folded hands. This is the first step in introducing a stranger or a guest to the scientific significance of the object. The tips of the fingers are connected together when both hands are clasped. The pressure points on the ears, eyes, and brain are represented by these tips. The pressure points in both hands are triggered when they are connected, allowing you to remember someone for a long period.

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Ear Piercing

In India, ear piercing has a long history. Some boys, as well as girls, have ear holes. The scientific explanation is that ear piercing causes the dialect to be restrained. This prevents filthy thoughts from entering your mind.

Surya Namaskar (Greet the Sun)

Surya Namaskar is the first yoga pose that springs to mind. It has numerous benefits over yoga. Greeting the sun is good for our eyes. Surya Namaskar keeps our bodies in good shape.

Braids (Choti) for Men

After shaving, it is usual for men to keep a braid. Sushruti Rishi, a prominent physician and Ayurvedic scholar, has stated that it maintains an alliance in all of the head’s nerves, which is known as Adhipati Marma.

Bending and Touching the Feet

Bowing and touching the feet is considered the best way to show respect to elders and obtain blessings in Indian culture. The biological explanation for this custom is that nerves run from the brain to the legs. When one’s feet are touched, the body’s energy is connected to each other, causing energy to flow into the body.

Throwing Coins in the River

You’ve probably seen people tossing pennies into rivers before. Throwing coins into the river is thought to bring good luck. The scientific importance of this is that coins are made of copper, and we often get copper from river water when we throw them in. When river water is consumed, it helps to keep the body’s copper levels in check.

Tradition of Eating Sweets after Meals

After eating, many people prefer sweet foods. Spicy food activates digestive fluids and acids in the body, allowing the body to digest food more efficiently. The carbohydrates in sweet foods then aid in the digestion of the meal that has been digested.

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