Table of Contents
Daily Prayer Method with Mantra (Nitya Puja Vidhi & Mantras)
Daily Prayer Method – The path of Daily Prayer Method (Nitya Puja Vidhi) has been considered the best for getting rid of all sufferings and attaining God. By chanting Nitya Puja Mantra (Daily Prayer Mantra) and Nitya Puja Mantra, devotion and faith are not only born, but there is communication of concentration and strong will in the mind and with determination, we are able to do any kind of work..
Establishing a place of worship is necessary for regular worship. One should find such a place in the house where it remains relatively secluded, there is minimum traffic and noise. At such a place, a small post should be decorated with yellow cloth and a beautiful picture of God covered with glass should be installed on it.
The worship of Gayatri has been considered the best. That’s why importance should be given to its establishment. If someone has a request for another deity, then the picture of that deity can also be kept. It is written in the scriptures that without Gayatri, all other sadhnas become futile. That’s why even if another deity is considered to be favored and its statue is installed, Gayatri’s picture must be kept with it in every condition.
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Rules for Daily Prayer Method (Nitya Puja Vidhi)
- Agarbatti, panch-patra, spoon, dhoopbatti, aarti, tray for pouring water, sandalwood, roli, akshat, lamp, naivedya, ghee, matchstick etc. should be kept in boxes at their respective places.
- Asana is the best of the Kushas. Can work in mat. Thick or padded seat can also be kept as per requirement. Similarly, the skin of any animal should not be used in place of the seat.
- Garland of sandalwood or basil is best. Garlands made from living beings like conch shell, conch shell, coral are prohibited.
- Morning time is best for worship treatment.
- The place and worship equipment should be cleaned regularly.
- As far as possible, one should sit on worship only after retiring from daily work, defecation, bath etc.
- In case of being sick or incapacitated, one can sit after washing hands, feet, mouth etc. The minimum work of worship should be fixed. At least that much should be completed.
- If time is not available in the morning, then the scheduled program should be completed before sleeping. If you have to stay abroad, then mental meditation worship can also be done. Remembrance and feeling of every worship method daily in meditation is called mental worship.
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प्रात: कर-दर्शनम
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी करमध्ये सरस्वती।
करमूले तू गोविन्दः प्रभाते करदर्शनम॥
Morning Hands Watch (Prata:-Karadarśana)
Karāgrē Vasatē Lakṣmī Karāta Sarasvatī.
Karamūlē Tū Gōvindaḥ Prabhātē Karadarśanama.
स्नान मन्त्र
गंगे च यमुने चैव गोदावरी सरस्वती।
नर्मदे सिन्धु कावेरी जले अस्मिन् सन्निधिम् कुरु॥
Bath Mantra (Snāna Mantra)
Gaṅgē Ca Yamunē Caiva Gōdāvarī Sarasvatī.
Narmadē Sindhu Kāvarī Jalē Asmin Sannidhim Kuru.
The first thing in the worship of God is the worship of Earth-Mata- Matri-Bhumika, Vishwa-Vasundhara. The land on which the society is born is the first God, therefore before the worship of Ishtadev, earth is worshiped. Put water, Akshat, sandalwood, flowers on the earth and worship. If you do not remember the mantra of Prithvi Poojan, you should recite the Gayatri Mantra.
पृथ्वी क्षमा प्रार्थना
समुद्र वसने देवी पर्वत स्तन मंडिते।
विष्णु पत्नी नमस्तुभ्यं पाद स्पर्शं क्षमश्वमेव॥
Praying For Earth’s Forgiveness (Pr̥Thvī Kṣhamā)
Samudra Vasanē Dēvī Parvata Maṇḍitē.
Viṣṇu Patnī Namastubhyaṁ Pāda Sparśaṁ Kṣamasvamēva.
After this Ishtadev should be worshipped.
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Daily Prayer Method (Nitya Puja Vidhi)
1. Akshat (Full Rice) for invitation, invitation
2. Water for bathing
3. Chandan or Roli for welcome
4. Agarbatti for fragrance
5. Flowers for honour
6. Fruits or sweets offered for diet
7. Aarti Kapoor or Deepak for greetings.
These seven worship tools are simple for common people. Flowers are not found every time. In their absence, rice dyed with sandalwood mixed with saffron can be experimented with. First one should greet the Lord by folding his hands to specially invite him to the place of worship and shower manglik akshatas (Chaval or Rice) to express the joy of those present.
After this, they should be welcomed and honored by arranging water, sandalwood, incense sticks, flowers, offerings, aarti. It should be believed that God is present and will accept our worship process and emotions. There are also separate mantras for the above seven worship instruments. Chant Gayatri if you are unable to remember other mantras. According to this statement, the purpose of prayer should be completed with this Mahamantra.
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Daily Prayer Mantras (Nitya Puja Mantras)
Here are the main gods and mantras related to them.
गणपति स्तोत्र
गणपति: विघ्नराजो लम्बतुन्ड़ो गजानन:।
द्वै मातुरश्च हेरम्ब एकदंतो गणाधिप:॥
विनायक: चारूकर्ण: पशुपालो भवात्मज:।
द्वादश एतानि नामानि प्रात: उत्थाय य: पठेत्॥
विश्वमतस्य भवेद्वश्यम् न च विघ्नम् भवेत् क्वचित्।
विघ्नेश्वराय वरदाय शुभप्रियाय।
लम्बोदराय विकटाय गजाननाय॥
नागाननाय श्रुतियज्ञविभूषिताय।
गौरीसुताय गणनाथ नमो नमस्ते॥
शुक्लाम्बरधरं देवं शशिवर्णं चतुर्भुजं।
प्रसन्नवदनं ध्यायेतसर्वविघ्नोपशान्तये॥
Gaṇapati Stōtra
Gaṇapatihi Vighnarājō Lambatundō Gajānanaha.
Dvai Māturaśca Hēmba Ēkadantō Gaṇādhipaha .
Vināyakaha Chārūkarṇa: Paśupālō Bhavātmajaha.
Dvādaśa Ētāni Nāmāni Prāta: Ut’thāya yaha Paṭhēt.
Viśvama Tasya Bhavēd Vaśyam Na Cha Vighnam Bhavēt Kvacit.
Vighnēśvarāya Varadāya Śubhapriyā.
Lambōdarāya Vikaṭāya Gajānanaya.
Nāgānaya Śrutiyajñavibhūṣitāya.
Gaurīsutāya Gaṇanātha Namō Namastē.
Śuklāmbaradharaṁ Dēvaṁ Śaśivaraṇa Caturbhujaṁ.
Prasannavadana Dhyāyētasarvavighnōpaśāntayē.
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आदिशक्ति वंदना
सर्वमंगल मांगल्ये शिवे सर्वार्थसाधिके।
शरण्ये त्र्यम्बके गौरि नारायणि नमोऽस्तु ते॥
Ādiśakti Vandanā
Sarvamaṅgala Māṅgalyē Śivē Sarvārthasādhikē.
Śaraṇyē Tryambakē Gauri Nārāyaṇi Namō̕Stu Tē.
शिव स्तुति
कर्पूर गौरम करुणावतारं,
संसार सारं भुजगेन्द्र हारं।
सदा वसंतं हृदयार विन्दे,
भवं भवानी सहितं नमामि॥
Śiva Stuti
Karpūra Gaurama Karuṇāvatāraṁ,
Sansāra Sāraṁ Bhujagēndra Hāraṁ.
Sadā Vasantāṁ Hr̥Dayāra Vinda,
Bhavaṁ Bhavānī Sahitaṁ Namāmi.
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विष्णु स्तुति
शान्ताकारं भुजगशयनं पद्मनाभं सुरेशं
विश्वाधारं गगनसदृशं मेघवर्ण शुभाङ्गम्।
लक्ष्मीकान्तं कमलनयनं योगिभिर्ध्यानगम्यम्
वन्दे विष्णुं भवभयहरं सर्वलोकैकनाथम्॥
Viṣṇu Stuti
Śāntākāraṁ Bhujagaśayana Padmanābhansurēṁ
Viśvādhāraṁ Gaganasadr̥Śaṁ Mēghavarṇa Śubhāṅgam.
Lakṣmīkāntaṁ Kamalanaṁ Yōgibhirdhyānagamyam
Vandē Viṣṇuṁ Bhavabhairaṁ Sarvalōkaikanātham.
श्री कृष्ण स्तुति
कस्तुरी तिलकम ललाटपटले, वक्षस्थले कौस्तुभम।
नासाग्रे वरमौक्तिकम करतले, वेणु करे कंकणम॥
सर्वांगे हरिचन्दनम सुललितम, कंठे च मुक्तावलि।
गोपस्त्री परिवेश्तिथो विजयते, गोपाल चूडामणी॥
मूकं करोति वाचालं पंगुं लंघयते गिरिम्।
यत्कृपा तमहं वन्दे परमानन्द माधवम्॥
Śrī Kr̥Ishna Stuti
Kasturī Tilakama Lalaṭapaṭalē, Vakṣasthalē Kaustubhama.
Nāsāgrē Varamauktikama Kēlē, Vēṇu Karē Kaṅkaṇama.
Sarvāṁṅgē Haricandanama Sullitama, Kaṇṭhē Ca Muktāvali.
Gōpastrī Parivēṣṭithō Vijayatē, Gōpāla Cūḍāmaṇī.
Mūkaṁ Karōti Vācālaṁ Paṅguṁ Laṅghayatē Girim.
Yatkr̥Pā Tamahaṁ Vandē Paramānanda Mādhavam
श्रीराम वंदना
लोकाभिरामं रणरंगधीरं राजीवनेत्रं रघुवंशनाथम्।
कारुण्यरूपं करुणाकरं तं श्रीरामचन्द्रं शरणं प्रपद्ये॥
Śrī Rāma Vandanā
Lōkābhirāmaṁ Raṇaraṅgadhīraṁ Rājīvanētraṁ Raghuvanśanātham.
Kāruṇyarūpaṁ Karuṇākaraṁ Taṁ Śrīrāmacandraṁ Śaraṇa Prapadyē.
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हे रामा पुरुषोत्तमा नरहरे नारायणा केशवा।
गोविन्दा गरुड़ध्वजा गुणनिधे दामोदरा माधवा॥
हे कृष्ण कमलापते यदुपते सीतापते श्रीपते।
बैकुण्ठाधिपते चराचरपते लक्ष्मीपते पाहिमाम्॥
Hē Rāmā Puruṣōttamā Naraharē Nārāyaṇa Kēśavā.
Gōvindā Garuṛadhvajā Guṇanidhē Dāmōdarā Mādhavā.
Hē Kr̥Ṣṇa Kamalāpatē Yadupatē Sītāpatē Śrīpatē.
Baikuṇṭhādhipatē Carācarapatē Lakṣmīpatē Pāhimām.
एक श्लोकी रामायण
आदौ रामतपोवनादि गमनं हत्वा मृगं कांचनम्।
वैदेही हरणं जटायु मरणं सुग्रीवसम्भाषणम्॥
बालीनिर्दलनं समुद्रतरणं लंकापुरीदाहनम्।
पश्चाद्रावण कुम्भकर्णहननं एतद्घि श्री रामायणम्॥
One Shlōkī Rāmāyaṇa
Ādau Rāmatapōvanādigamanaṁ Hvā Mr̥Gaṁ Kān̄Canam.
Vaidēhī Haragrīṇa Jaṭāyu Marāṇa Subhāṣaṇam.
Bālīnirdalana Samudratara Laṅkāpurīdāhanam.
Paścādrāvaṇa Kumbhakarṇahanana Ētadghi Śrī Rāmāyaṇam.
सरस्वती वंदना
या कुन्देन्दुतुषारहारधवला या शुभ्रवस्त्रावृता।
या वींणावरदण्डमण्डितकरा या श्वेतपदमासना॥
या ब्रह्माच्युतशङ्करप्रभृतिभिर्देवैः सदा वन्दिता।
सा माम पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेषजाड्याऽपहा॥
Saraswatī Vandanā
Yā Kundēndutuṣāradhavalā Yā Śubhravastrāvr̥Tā.
Yā Tēvīnvaradaṇḍamaṇḍitakarā Yā Śvētapadamāsanā.
Yā Brahmacyutaśaṅkaraprabhr̥Tibhirdēvaiḥ Sadā Vanditā.
Sāmāma Pātu Sarasvatī Bhagavatī Niśēṣajāḍyā̕Pahā.
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हनुमान वंदना
अतुलितबलधामं हेमशैलाभदेहम्।
दनुजवनकृषानुम् ज्ञानिनांग्रगणयम्।
सकलगुणनिधानं वानराणामधीशम्।
रघुपतिप्रियभक्तं वातजातं नमामि॥
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगम जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठं।
वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणम् प्रपद्ये॥
Hanumāna Vandanā
Atulitabaladhāmaṁ Hēmaśailābhadēham.
Danujavanakr̥Ṣṇānum Jñānināṅgragaṇyam.
Sakalaguṇanidhānaṁ Vārāṇāmadhīśam.
Raghupatipriyabhaktaṁ Vātajātaṁ Namāmi.
Manōjavaṁ Mārutatulyavēgama Jitēndriyaṁ Bud’dhimatāṁ Variṣṭhāṁ.
Vātmajaṁ Vānarayūthamukhyaṁ Śrīrāmadūtaṁ Śaraṇam Prapadyē.