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Do You Have an Allergy to Your Pet?

Do You Have an Allergy to Your Pet? You Can Keep Your Animal Friend! Take a Deep Breath—You Can Keep Your Animal Friend!
Despite the fact that many people have discovered the benefits of caring for a furry pet, approximately 15 to 20% of the population is allergic to animals. What’s the end result? Countless pet parents are in sad, unhealthy situations, and it’s all because of their beloved dogs! The medical name for the substance that triggers an allergic reaction is allergen. Allergy sufferers respond when they come into contact with or inhale allergens. Red, itchy, watery eyes and nose; sneezing; coughing; scratchy or sore throat; itchy skin; and, most importantly, difficulty breathing are all symptoms.
Proteins present in dander (old skin scales regularly shed by an animal), saliva, urine, and sebaceous cells are the most common pet allergies. Allergic reactions can be triggered by any animal, but cats are the most prevalent causes. Exotic pets such as ferrets, guinea pigs, birds, rabbits, and rodents can potentially cause allergic reactions. There is no species or breed of animal to which humans are immune. Allergies are unaffected by the length or kind of fur. Certain pets may be less irritating to allergy sufferers than others, but this is entirely dependent on the individual and cannot be predicted.
A physician will frequently recommend removing the companion animal from the environment if a pet allergy has been diagnosed. Heartbreaking? Yes. Is it absolutely essential? Not all of the time. The overall cumulative allergen load causes allergic symptoms. That implies you may not need to get rid of your pet if you eliminate some of the other allergens. (On the other hand, removing your pet from your home may not immediately resolve your difficulties.) You must also be willing to devote the time and effort necessary to detoxify your house, prevent future allergy exposure, and locate a physician who will work with you. Continue reading for more helpful hints:
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Refining the Instant Setting
- Make a room free of allergens. The best and most practical option is generally a bedroom. You may secure at least eight hours of allergen-free sleep every night by keeping your pet from entering this room. Using hypoallergenic mattress and pillow materials is a smart option.
- Keep the textiles to a minimum. Allergens collect in rugs, draperies, and upholstery, so try to keep them to a minimum or avoid them altogether. If you decide to maintain some fabrics, make sure to steam-clean them on a regular basis. Washable blinds or shades make good window treatments, and cotton-covered furniture is the best choice. You can also use sheets or blankets to cover your furniture, which can be removed and washed on a regular basis.
- Practice a vacuum with a High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting (HEPA) filter or a throwaway electrostatic bag to vacuum repeatedly. Allergens will blow back out of the vacuum with other types of bags.
- Purchase an air purifier with a HEPA filter and install it. Our modern, energy-efficient homes seal in allergen-laden air, so it’s a good idea to allow some fresh air in every day.
- Use anti-allergen room sprays to keep your home free of allergens. Allergens are rendered harmless by using these sprays, which deactivate them. Request a product recommendation from your allergist.
- Clean-up the litterbox on a consistent basis. Fill with low-dust, fragrance-free filler. Clumping litter is an excellent option.
- Dust on a regular basis. Cleaning the walls will also help to reduce allergies.
- Purchase washable pet bedding and cages that can be readily cleaned.

Cleaning Up After Your Pet
- Bathe your pet at least once a week to keep him or her clean. Your veterinarian can recommend a non-drying shampoo for him. Bathing removes allergies that have accumulated in an animal’s fur.
- Wipe your pet with a dander-prevention product to keep dander from accumulating and flaking off into the environment.
- Take note of any dermatitis symptoms displayed by your companion animal and ask your veterinarian to recommend one that is safe to use on animals that groom themselves. As a result of dermatitis, your skin and fur shed more quickly, increasing your allergen exposure.
- Brush or comb pet on a steady basis. It’s preferable to do this outside if at all possible. (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recommends that cats be kept indoors, so if you take yours outside, make sure he’s leashed.)
- If at all feasible, delegate housecleaning, litter box duties, including pet washing, wiping, and brushing to someone other than yourself. Wear a dust mask if you have to clean the house or change the litter.
- After handling your companion animal and before contacting your face, wash your hands. Allergens are particularly sensitive in the areas surrounding your nose and eyes.
- Make a “pet outfit” out of your most easily washable clothing. Wear it when you’re playing or cuddling with your partner, and it’ll keep your other clothes clean.
- Refer a medic, if possible an allergy professional, who can determine whether your pet is the source of your allergies and help you manage your symptoms. Medications and immunotherapy (desensitizing shots) can often help you and your companion animal be together peacefully for the rest of your lives.