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All About Pitru Paksha Shradh (Mahalaya) and Pind Daan
What Is Pitru Paksha Shradh (Mahalaya)?
As soon as we take the name of Pitru Paksha, faith and reverence automatically appear in our mind. Pitru means our ancestors, who are no longer with us, it is the time to pay respect to them, Pitrupaksha means Mahalaya. This special time dedicated to our ancestors, starting from the Krishna Paksha of the month of Ashwin till the new moon day, is called Pitru Paksha i.e. Shraddha Paksha.
Hinduism believes in the concept of reincarnation and hence it is believed that during Pitru paksha our Pitris i.e. our forefathers who have left their bodies, return to the earth to seek their salvation and food from their kith and kin and family members. In fact, the work done with devotion for the sake of our ancestors is Shradh.
Also Read: 22 Important Rules of Shradh in Pitru Paksha | Major Parts and Types of Shradh
Pitru Paksha Shradh According to Astrology
According to Vedic astrology, Pitru Paksha is celebrated when the Sun enters Virgo. The fifth house indicates about the deeds of our previous birth and Sun is considered to be the lord of the fifth house in the horoscope of Kaal Purush, therefore Sun is also considered as the dyotak of our clan.
कन्यागते सवितरि पितरौ यान्ति वै सुतान,
अमावस्या दिने प्राप्ते गृहद्वारं समाश्रिता:
श्रद्धाभावे स्वभवनं शापं दत्वा ब्रजन्ति ते॥
Kanyaagate Saavitree Pitarau Yaanti Vai Sutan,
Amaavasya Dinay Praptay Grhadvaaram Samaashritaha
Shraddhaabhaave Savbhavnam Shaapam Brajanti Tay.
The general meaning of this is that when the Sun enters Virgo, all the ancestors’ together reach the door of their sons and grandsons (grandsons) i.e. their descendants. Meanwhile, if his Shradh is not performed on Ashwin Amavasya, which falls at the time of Pitrupaksha, then he gets angry and returns after cursing his descendants. This is the reason why they should be offered tarpan with a mixture of flowers, fruits and water etc. and try to praise and satisfy them according to their strength and capability.
A person achieves his speed according to his deeds. This speed is of three types: Urdhva speed i.e. attaining the heavenly world, Adhogati i.e. going down from human life due to bad deeds and stable speed, in which they can get human life. Just as the human body is shaped by its skeleton and the backbone gives strength, in the same way our actions also interpret the coming times by influencing our lives.
The people in whose lineage we were born are our ancestors, so it is our duty to donate food etc. to them with devotion and for this we also thank them in a way.
Those who do not perform Shraddha rituals of their ancestors and do not worship them, Pitra Dosh is created in their horoscope and through that a person has to suffer many kinds of troubles throughout his life.
Also Read: Pitru Paksha Shradh: Worship, Donation, Tarpan, Importance, Dates and Best Story

What Happens After A Person’s Death?
When a living being dies on earth and leaves his body, he reaches Pitru Lok within 3 days. Therefore, there is a tradition of celebrating Teeja on the third day of death. Some souls take more time and reach Pitru Lok in about 13 days, for their peace Thirteenth or Triodshakarma is performed.
There are some such souls who take 37 to 40 days to reach Pitru Lok that means they complete this journey in about a quarter of a month. That’s why after a month, tarpan is done again on the date of death and after that after one year (12 months) the anniversary is done by tarpan. After this, they are likely to be reborn according to their deeds and they are judged.
Those who have done good deeds and have more number of good deeds, they get salvation, that is, they get freedom from the bondage of repeated births.
According to Yajurveda, virtuous beings who do penance and meditation become Brahmalin after reaching Brahmaloka, that is, they do not have to take rebirth. Those who have done good deeds and meditated in devotion to God, they attain the heavenly world and they become divine. The creatures who do the work of very bad nature, they do not get salvation and they wander in the ghost Yoni that means their soul does not get peace.
Apart from this, there are some souls who are reborn on this earth to achieve a particular purpose or on the basis of their deeds. It is also worth noting here that even after being born on earth, everyone gets a human form, it is not necessary, they can also go into an animal form. All of them are our ancestors and no matter in whatever form they go, they will remain our ancestors, so they get salvation, therefore Shraddha should be performed according to all the rules and regulations.
‘विदूर्ध्वभागे पितरो वसन्त: स्वाध: सुधादीधीत मामनन्ति’
‘Vidurdhavbhage Pitro Vasantaha: Swadha Sudhadidhit Mamnanti’
The position of Pitru Lok is in the upper part of the Moon i.e. Som Lok. That’s why Chandra Lok has a deep connection with Pitru Lok. The human body is made up of the Panch Mahabhutas, that is, the five elements. Like earth, air, water, sky and fire. Out of these five elements, water and then air elements are mainly helpful in building the human body. These two elements strengthen the subtle body completely and this is the reason why the Moon, which rules over these elements, and its light are mainly related to the subtle body as well.
Water element is also called Soma and Soma is also called Retas. This Retas is important because all the other elements related to the Moon are present in it to strengthen the subtle body.
When the human body is formed, 28 degrees of retas is present in it. When the soul reaches Chandralok after leaving the body, it has to return to this 28th degree of Retas and in reality this is the debt to the ancestors. After paying this, the soul goes to its own world where all its own people live.
Now naturally the question arises that how exactly this 28 degree Retas soul carries. So know that whenever a living being’s body comes to an end, whatever virtuous and Shraddha rituals are performed by the descendants for the peace of that soul on this earth, paves the way for that soul.
When donations of ingots and water etc. are made in the form of Shraddha through the path of devotion, the soul receives these 28 degrees in the form of Retas. Because this Shraddha path becomes related to the earth world during the midday period, hence Shraddha is performed during this time period in Pitru Paksha.
Yoni and Status of Ancestors
After the death of a person, he gets birth according to his deeds. Its meaning is that due to good deeds one attains the divine form and if their descendants offer food for them after reciting different types of mantras and perform their Pind Daan or Shraddha during Pitru Paksha, then those ancestors are blessed with nectar in the form of nectar. I attain it. If they have attained the Gandharva world then they get this as a food. After this comes the animal world, that is, if their deeds have taken them to the animal world, then due to their devotion, they get the form of grass or straw, due to which their devotion ends.
If for some reason their karma has been extremely bad and they are wandering in a ghostly form, then they get this food in the form of blood and if they have got a human form, then this food offered with devotion helps them in getting other things. They get it in the same form and they are satisfied. In this way, with full rituals and chanting of mantras, we should perform Shraddha and charity for our ancestors in the Pitru Paksha so that no matter in which life those ancestors have arrived, they get satisfaction and by doing this we also fulfill our moral responsibility because we They are his descendants.
Shraddha during Pitru Paksha has been described in the Puranas by many divine sages and the importance of Shraddha has been described in the Puranas and performing Shraddha during Pitru Paksha is considered to have the greatest importance.
- According to Brahma Purana, the person who performs Shraddha and Tarpan for his ancestors through vegetables etc., this leads to growth of his entire clan and no living being of his descendants becomes sad and no trouble comes to him. If Shraddha is performed with full devotion, then even the drops of water falling on the bodies provide complete nourishment to our ancestors lying in the wombs of animals and birds, and the lineage in which a child died in childhood also nourishes them. Become completely satisfied with the water of Marjan.
- According to Brahma Purana, whatever thing is given to the Brahmins at the appropriate time and according to the proper method for the ancestors, is called the fate of Shraddha. Shraddha is a means through which we provide food, grains, water etc. to our ancestors to satisfy them and satisfy them. The food that is offered to the ancestors is offered in the form of a pind and this is the main component of Shraddha during Pitrupaksha.
- On the other hand, according to the Kurma Purana, the person who does Sharad with full devotion, all his sins are absolved and he does not have to wander in the world cycle again and he also attains salvation and does not have to be reborn.
- It has also been described in Garuda Purana that if ancestors are worshiped and our ancestors are satisfied with them, then they give blessings of long life, children, fame, fame, strength, wealth and wealth to their descendants.
- The Markandeya Purana says that if your ancestors are satisfied with the Shradh performed by you, then they will give you their longevity, progeny, wealth, success in learning, all kinds of happiness, kingdom and salvation. Give blessings.
- Although we can perform Shradh of our ancestors on the new moon day of every month, but there is special importance of performing Shradh during Pitru Paksha because during this time our ancestors specially come to receive Shradh.
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Special Importance of Performing Shradh in Pitru Paksha
In Hindu religion, a special relationship is seen between a person’s karma and his rebirth. This is the reason why it is considered extremely important to perform Shraddha after the death of a person. It is believed that if a person does not perform Shraddha or Tarpan for his ancestors with full rituals, then the soul of that soul does not attain salvation and it remains in this world and has to repeat this to its descendants again and again. There is a hope that he should perform Shraddha rituals to open the path of his salvation.
What is worth noting here is that due to the abundance of Medha especially in barley and rice and since both of them are related to Som, if Pinda Daan is done with these during Pitru Paksha, then the Pitru will be satisfied after getting his 28 degrees of Retas. They become so and get abundant power and after this they give these parts of Retas in Soma Loka and go to their own world.
श्रद्धया इदं श्राद्धम्।
Shraddhaya Idam Shraddham
That is, whatever is done with full devotion is Shraddha. During Pitru Paksha, when a person makes offerings to his ancestors, that ancestor himself gets inspired and moves forward. When Pind Daan takes place, during that time the family members offer Pind Daan of joe or rice, this is considered to be a part of Retas and after Pind Daan, that Pitra along with that part reaches Som i.e. Chandra Loka and repays the debt of his Ambhapran. .
From the Pratipada of Shukla Paksha of Ashwin month, the Pitru Chakra starts moving upwards due to which after 15 days the ancestors take their part and leave for Pitru Loka from the Pratipada of Shukla Paksha. This is Pitrupaksha and that is why it is so important. Shraddha is performed on other days through the Sushumna Nadi which is believed to be related to the Sun.
Through this naadi, Shraddha enters the earth during the midday period and takes away the ancestral part from here, whereas during Pitru Paksha, the position of Pitru Prana is in the upper region of the Moon and due to the changed position of the Moon itself, Pervades the earth. This is the reason that gives so much importance to Tarpan in Pitru Paksha.
अनन्तश्चास्मि नागानां वरुणो यादसामहम् ।
पितृणामर्यमा चास्मि यमः संयमतामहम् ॥29॥
Anantashchasmi Naganan Varuno Yadsamham.
Pitrinamaryama Chasmi Yamah Sanyamtaamham..29
According to Geeta Saar, the meaning of this verse is that Lord Shri Krishna says to Arjun that O Dhananjay! Among the various snakes of the world, I am Sheshnag, among the aquatic creatures I am Varun, among the ancestors I am Aryama and among those who regulate, I am Yamraj. Thus Aryama has been glorified by Lord Shri Krishna. Now let us know what is the relation of Aryama with Pitru Paksha or ancestors.
ॐ-अर्यमा-न-त्रिप्य्ताम-इदं-तिलोदकंतस्मै स्वधा-नमः।
Om Aryama Na Tripyataam Idam Tilodkam Tasmai Swadha Namaha.
Om Mrityorma Amritam Gamaya..
The meaning of this verse is that Aryama is the best among all the ancestors. Aryama is considered to be the god of all ancestors. That’s why salutations to Aryama. Oh father, grandfather and great grandfather. Oh mother, mother and great-grandfather, I salute you again and again. You take us from death to nectar. Therefore, during the month of Vaishakh, Sun God is also called Aryama.
Sarvasta Ev Rundhe Swargaha Shashtyaam Sharatsu Nidhipa Abhicchaat..
In the Atharvaveda, it is said about the Pitru Paksha during the month of Ashwin that during autumn, when the small solstice comes, that is, when the Sun enters the Virgo zodiac, then the desired things are provided to the ancestors, all these things are supposed to provide heaven. Is.
During the period from Pratipada to Amavasya of Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month, Pitra Prana pervades the earth with the upper ray i.e. Aryama. He is considered to be the son of Maharishi Kashyap and Mother Aditi and brother of the gods. Apart from this, Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra is considered to be their abode. In some places, he has also been considered as the main ancestor. If they are pleased then the ancestors are satisfied, that is why water is donated in their name.

What is Pind Daan?
During Pitru Paksha, ancestors are especially present on earth. His only wish is that his descendants should perform Pind Daan or perform Shraddha for him for his salvation. Basically, whatever is offered with full devotion to the ancestors and whatever is performed as per the rules is called Shraddha.
Unless Dasgatra and Shodashi Pind Daan is performed, the person remains in ghost form and only after Sapindan i.e. Pind Daan, he joins the category of ancestors. This is the main reason why Pind Daan of any dead person is done.
एकैकस्य तिलैर्मिश्रांस्त्रींस्त्रीन् दद्याज्जलाज्जलीन्।
यावज्जीवकृतं पापं तत्क्षणादेव नश्यति।।
Aikaikasya Tilairmishramastrinastrin Dadyajjalajjalin.
Yaavajjivkratam Paapam Tatkshanadev Nashyati..
That is, the person who offers three anjali of water mixed with sesame seeds to his ancestors, all his sins from the time of his birth till the day of tarpan are destroyed. The process of offering water mixed with sesame seeds to various deities, sages and ancestral deities for the purpose of providing satisfaction to the ancestors is called Tarpan. In short, doing Tarpan is like donating a Pind but its form is slightly different in which a Pind is made and donated. Generally, after offering Pind Daan, there is no need to perform Shraddha rituals. But until Pind Daan is performed, Shraddha rituals must be performed.
The importance of Pitrupaksha is immense not only in North India but also in North East India. It is known as Karikada Vavubali in the state of Kerala, Aadi Amavasai in Tamil Nadu and Pitru Pandharvada in the state of Maharashtra. People of all places perform this work with utmost devotion and devotion. During this Pitrupaksha, ancestors come to earth and expect that their descendants will perform their duty to give them salvation and perform auspicious deeds like Shradh and Pind Daan and they will get food and satisfaction.
This happens when the Sun God sits in the Virgo sign, but the wait of the ancestors does not end here, but as long as the Sun is in the Libra sign, they wait for their descendants in the entire month of Kartik to perform their Shradh etc. Could But if even till then the descendants don’t perform Shradh Karma or Pind Daan, then as soon as the Sun transits into Scorpio, all the ancestors return to their places disappointed and with an incomplete mind and curse their descendants, due to which they will die. The descendants suffer many types of troubles on earth. It can also be seen as Pitridosh in a person’s horoscope.
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Stories Related To Pitru Paksha, Shradh and Pind Daan
Some stories glorifying Pitru Paksha are also prevalent, through which the importance of Pitru Paksha is known. In this regard, it is necessary to know that when a person takes life on this earth, three types of debts are present on him as soon as he is born. These three are known as Dev loan, Rishi loan, Pitra loan. Every person can be free from all these three debts during Pitrupaksha. In the context of these loans, a story of Veer Karna is very popular during the Mahabharata period.
According to that story, when Karna attained Veergati in the war of Mahabharata, his soul started wishing for salvation from Chitragupta, who refused to give salvation. So Karna asked that I have dedicated my whole life in good deeds and have always given charity, so what debt is left on me, because of which I cannot attain salvation, on this Chitragupt said that undoubtedly you have done many things. You have done good deeds and because of that you have repaid the two loans that came in your life, Dev loan and Rishi loan, but you still have to repay Pitra loan. So unless you repay this loan, then you cannot get salvation.
After this, to repay his ancestral debt, Karna was given an opportunity by Dharmaraj to visit the whole earth for 16 days during Pitrupaksha and perform tarpan and shraadh rituals of all his ancestors, known and unknown, and then return after duly donating bodies. Do it only then you can attain salvation. After this, Karna returned to the earth and became a part of salvation by completing all the work methodically. It is known from this that how important and influential is the ancestral debt in our lives.
Even under Valmiki Ramayana, there is a context of offering pindadan to Shri Ram, Lakshman and Mother Sita for the salvation of Maharaj Dasharatha’s soul. When Shri Ram was spending his exile along with Mata Sita and Lakshman ji, he had reached Gaya Dham to perform Shradh during Pitrupaksha. He went away from the ashram to collect the necessary materials there but by then it was afternoon and Kutup Vela had come, in this Vela it was necessary to perform Shradh but Ram and Lakshman had not returned and due to this the time for Pinddaan was about to pass. .
Meanwhile, time was passing and then the soul of Maharaj Dashrath demanded Pind Daan, then in the absence of Rama and Lakshmana, Mother Sita, taking the banyan tree, Ketaki flowers, Falgu River and Gau Mata as witnesses on the banks of the Falgu River, made sand. Made a pind and donated the pind for the sake of Maharaja Dashrath.
After the passage of time, when Shri Ram returned with Lakshman ji, Sita ji said that time was running out, hence she had offered Pind Daan to King Dasharatha. Shri Ramchandra was surprised and asked how Pind Daan was possible without material, so he asked for proof from Sita ji.
Then Sitaji said that all the above are witnesses that I have performed Shraddha and can testify about it. When Shri Ram asked all of them, only the banyan tree accepted this fact and said that Mother Sita had performed Pind Daan but the other three i.e. cow, Ketaki flower and Falgu River refused to give evidence. Then Mother Sita prayed to the soul of Maharaj Dashrath to help her in this matter. Then Maharaj Dashrath accepted the prayer of Mother Sita and announced that it was Sita who had given me Pinda Daan.
After this Shri Ramchandra ji became convinced. But Sitaji became angry at the other three for not testifying and cursed them. Due to his curse, the Phalgu River remains dry, despite being revered, Mother Cow has to eat fake food and Ketaki flower is not used in worship. Along with this, the banyan tree got a long life due to the blessings of the mother and became revered because it provided shade to others.
Even today, women pray for the long life of their husbands by worshiping the banyan tree and there is lack of water in Sita Kund on the banks of river Falgu, due to which Pinda Daan is also done with sand.
Both the above stories are relevant even today and give recognition to the distribution of Shraddha Karma and Pind Daan during Pitru Paksha.

Importance of Gaya for Pind Daan in Pitru Paksha
Just as a special time and place is required to perform any auspicious work, in the same way Pind Daan is considered best in Pitru Paksha to appease any ancestor, but let us talk about at which place it should be done. Are. Gaya has been given special importance in our scriptures and that is why it is also called the fifth Dham. It is believed that by offering Pind Daan to the ancestors in Gaya, they get salvation soon.
Gaya Pind, famous all over the world for donations, Shraddha and Tarpan, is located in the state of Bihar in India and its name is taken with great respect. It was named Gaya because Lord Vishnu killed Ashoka Gaya Sur at this place. But here due to respect and reverence, ‘ji’ is added before their name that is why it is known as Ne Gaya. Shri Vishnu Pad Temple is situated here and it is believed that the feet of Lord Vishnu are present there.
There is a river named Falgu in Gaya itself where in Treta Yuga, Lord Shri Ramchandra had performed Pind Daan for the satisfaction of the soul of his father Dasharatha. Since then, this place holds great importance and people from far and wide come here to perform puja and offer Pind Daan for their ancestors.
We have many such ancestors who have not been born again or are still unsatisfied and are wandering in the form of souls indulged in attachment, in such a situation, for the purpose of their liberation and satisfaction, Karma Tarpan is performed and at the same time Pinda Donation is also made. There is no better place than Gaya for all these tasks. Here, through fire, the proven work of providing food and water etc. to our ancestors and providing them satisfaction is done.
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Pitru Paksha Amavasya / Pitru Visarjani Amavasya
Amavasya falling during Pitru Paksha is also called Mahalaya Amavasya. Among the most important rays of the Sun is a ray named Ama, with its brightness the Sun God illuminates all the worlds. When the moon transits on the same Amami special date, the ancestors descend from their world and come to earth through the same ray. This is the reason why the Amavasya of Shraddha Paksha i.e. Pitru Paksha’s Amavasya is regarded as being extremely significant.
On this day, by doing charity, virtue etc. for all the ancestors, all kinds of happiness are attained and the ancestors are also happy and give blessings. If there is Sankranti period with this Amavasya Tithi, or Vyatipat or Gajchhaya Yoga, or Manvadi Tithi, or Solar Eclipse or Lunar Eclipse, then performing Shraddha Karma during this time is very fruitful.
Although all the dates are very important during Pitrupaksha, but Amavasya holds a special place among all of them because it is specially considered to be the date of ancestors. This Amavasya is also known as Pitrivisarjani Amavasya or Mahalaya Amavasya. Shradh of all those whose date of death is not known can be performed on this date.
Who and How to Do Pind Daan in Pitru Paksha?
In our various scriptures, it has been explained in detail about doing Pinddaan during Pitrupaksha.
- According to Brahmavaivarta Purana, the eldest son can perform Shradh and Tarpan etc. of his father and other ancestors.
- If there is no eldest son then the youngest son can also do this work.
- In the absence of eldest son and youngest son, nephew, nephew or grandson can do the work of Pind Daan.
- In the Pitru Paksha, three main functions are performed in the form of Shraddha Karma like Pindadan, Tarpan and Brahmin Bhoj.
- First of all do Aachaman by facing the south direction and keeping your sacred thread on the right shoulder, mix cow milk, paddy i.e. rice, sugar, honey and ghee and make pindas and offer them to your ancestral gods with great devotion. This is called donating body. South direction is considered to be the condition of ancestors that is why this work should be done by facing south.
- At the time of tarpan, black sesame, kusha and joon and white flowers are mixed inside the water and tarpan is performed methodically. It is believed that by this all the ancestors are satisfied and they attain salvation.
- After this the third function starts which is called Brahmin Bhoj.
- One thing should be especially kept in mind during Pitru Paksha that during these 16 days, any unknown or known guest can come to your house in any form i.e. a bird, an animal or a beggar or someone you know. . These could also be your ancestors who have come to take food from you. Therefore, do not disrespect any creature coming to your house during this period.
- Follow celibacy during the entire period of Pitru Paksha and stay away from consumption of meat and alcohol.
- Apart from this, you can also feed food to silent animals and birds as per your devotion.
- Shraddha rituals should be performed sitting on the seat of Kush in the afternoon time only. It is during this time that Kutup Vela occurs which is usually between 12:30 pm and 1:00 am.
- During this time, keep crow, cow, dog in one plate and food for ancestors in the other plate.
- Keep the quantity of food equal for both the brothers. After this, first takeout food for the mother cow, then the dog and then the crow.
- After that, remember your ancestors and while remembering the ancestors for whom you are performing Shraddha, chant this mantra 3 times: “Om Devabhya: Pitribhyascha Mahayogibhya Eva Ch. Namah Swadhayai Swahayai Nityameva Bhavantu Te.”
- After this, this food is offered to its owners.
- If it is not possible for you to do so much, then you can just mix some water and black sesame seeds, barley etc. in a pot and do the tarpan by facing the south direction.
- If you do not have the ability to prepare food or are not in such a situation, then you can also donate fruits and sweets etc.

Importance of Donation in Pitru Paksha
Just as donations, Dakshina etc. are done in all auspicious and virtuous works, in the same way during Pitru Paksha, donating for the peace of ancestors is considered to have special importance. It is believed that 10 types of donations can be made during Pitru Paksha, which are as follows:
- Cow
- Land
- Clothing
- Black Sesame
- Gold
- Ghee
- Jaggery
- Paddy
- Silver
- Salt
In this way, work can also be done to satisfy the ancestors through donations etc. Before offering tarpan for the ancestors, first of all one has to do tarpan to the divine ancestors, after that there is a tradition of offering tarpan to the gods, after that the sage tarpan is done and after that, only after offering tarpan to the divine human being, there is a tradition of offering tarpan to the ancestors themselves.
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Irrespective of the type of life your ancestors are in, they accept the part of Shraddha performed by you and this gives them confirmation and they get freedom from various types of lower births and their soul becomes light and ready to go to higher life. Makes an effort
Not performing Shraddha of ancestors is to hurt them and in fact, on the one hand, you may get cursed by your ancestors, on the other hand, if your sons remain unsatisfied, you will also be considered to be deviating from your moral duty. This is the reason why the glory of Shraddha and Tarpan has been described in our various types of Puranas like Brahma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Matsya Purana, Vayu Purana, Varaha Purana, Garuda Purana etc. and also in great texts like Manu Smriti and Mahabharata. .
In fact, Pitru Paksha is an auspicious occasion for us during which we can express our reverence towards our ancestors and with their grace and blessings we can make our lives blessed.
We hope that the information given by us about Pitru paksha (Malahalaya), Shraddha, Tarpan, and Gaya will prove useful for you and with its help you will also do various types of work for the peace of your ancestors and make your life successful.