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Frequently Asked Questions in HR | FAQ in HR
Achieving Change (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 1: Some employees are having trouble adjusting because of the recent management shift. They don’t appear to be content or joyful. How do I approach this?
Answer 1: Adapting to change at work can be challenging for employees. Employees get into routines at work, and changes there, such a change in management, may threaten or disrupt the status quo, therefore it is common for them to dread and detest change. Any change in the workplace should be managed by completely including the staff, communicating with them, and introducing the change in a positive light, i.e., by demonstrating to them how the change will benefit them and how their working environment would improve under the new management, etc.
It would be beneficial in this circumstance to have a discussion with employees both collectively and individually to learn how they are feeling. If you have a comparable problem that you’d need assistance and direction on, let us know.
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Performance Management (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 2: I’m experiencing a problem with an employee’s performance levels. How should I react to their subpar performance?
Answer 2: Poor performance poses a risk to any company or organisation. The productivity of the entire company and team might be affected if someone isn’t giving it their all at work. In order to avoid these inevitable outcomes, it is important to address performance concerns as soon as they arise while still acting responsibly. Determining the source of poor performance is crucial when dealing with it. Is it due to capacity (can’t do) or behaviour (won’t do)?
By doing a thorough investigation and using the right questions to identify the root of the problem, you may determine the answer to this. After you’ve determined the root of the problem, you must deal with it either through your disciplinary process or a plan for performance enhancement. If you have a comparable problem that you would like advice and direction on, let us know.
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Employee Personal Issues (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 3: One of my employees is going through a very trying moment and is having a hard time coping with work. They have asked for time off from work, but I’m not sure if they are entitled to it, how much time they should have if they are, or how to best handle it. What ought I to do?
Answer 3: In some circumstances, employees are entitled to take a reasonable amount of unpaid leave. They are entitled to a fair length of unpaid emergency leave to handle the issue only if they are dealing with one involving a dependent on them, such as a grandparent, child, parent, sibling, spouse, etc. Compassionate leave, wherein an employer offers a discretionary amount of unpaid or compensated time off to take “time out” and do whatever is necessary, may be more suitable depending on the circumstances.
Finally, you should think about if you think the person is well enough to work and whether their difficulty coping is due to a health problem. In this circumstances, you would handle the circumstance in accordance with your standard Sickness and Absence Procedure. If you have a comparable problem that you would like advice and direction on, let us know.
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Workplace Bullying & Harassment (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 4: I think there might be some bullying going on at my place of employment. How do I identify this and deal with it?
Answer 4: The frequency of place of work bullying has augmented ever since before the slump. It is so pervasive that according to Acas, one out of every ten workers has been the victim of bullying in some way.
In addition to being a challenging experience for the victim, it may negatively impact other employees’ attendance, the caliber of their work, and overall morale at work. Intimidation can take several dissimilar forms, comprising being picked on, sense chastened, misbehaving, out loud ill-treating, or being the target of violation or other shameful behavior. Bullying can also be more covert and challenging to spot, such as when someone is left out.
The best course of action is to foster an environment where communication with management about any potential problems, including bullying, is fully comfortable. The best method to respond to a claim is to request that the alleged victim write down every detail of the alleged bullying, including the dates, times, location, people present, etc. You will then need to investigate the accusation in an impartial, timely, and private manner.
Your inquiry will reveal that, if there is proof of intimidation, it needs to be addressed formally in accordance with your disciplinary processes. If you have a comparable problem that you would like advice and direction on, let us know.
Negative Attitude of Employee (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 5: I have a worker who carries a perpetually nasty attitude around the office. They appear to propagate rumors and unhappiness. How do I stop their passive aggressive behaviour toward me and the organisation, which I believe to be their behaviour?
Answer 5: Passive aggressive behaviour in the workplace is fairly widespread. When someone is unhappy at work, they will covertly vent on those around them. This can take the form of spreading rumours, complaining nonstop, or taking so long to complete a task that it is assigned to someone else.
Although dealing with this kind of behaviour can be challenging, it is important to do so before they further contaminate your workplace. The key is to avoid participating in their behaviour or “playing their game.” If they complain to you, stay out of it. Do not take part in any gossip they try to start with you. Give an explanation and then leave.
The remainder of your organisation should be advised to get out of these circumstances as much as possible. Though it might not, we can only hope that this will halt the behaviour. If it doesn’t, it could be a good idea to meet with them to talk about their behaviour. Excuses will probably be given, and they might even become upset, which are all typical behaviours of passive aggressive people.
Of course you should look into why they are upset because they most likely are, but there are only so many things you can do. Investigative work must be done to control this behaviour and attempt to persuade them to alter their ways. If you need any assistance handling this challenging circumstance, Hassle Free HR is here to assist and may offer advice.
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Issues with a Small, Family-Run Company (Frequently Asked Questions in HR)
Frequently Asked Questions in HR 6: I’m employed by a small, family-run firm. Although we often get along well, there have been a few recent confrontations, which I think are a result of the fact that we are related and bring our personal tensions to work. Can you offer us any tips on how to prevent this?
Answer 6: In addition to relatives, this response is also appropriate for friends who own businesses. Working relationship issues are particularly typical in enterprises operated by family or friends. People relate to each other differently, they talk to each other differently, and they have distinct boundaries both inside and outside of the job. What is appropriate at home might not be appropriate at work. It’s crucial to leave your personal ties outside of work; after all, you’re not working with your sister; you’re working with a colleague. The person you are working with is a colleague, not a long time buddy.
Both job and personal life are fair game for conversation. Establish a border. It’s also a good idea to establish a hierarchy and put an emphasis on “communication.” By establishing a hierarchy or organisational structure, everyone will be aware of who is in control and to whom they “report,” and by ensuring that communication inside the company is “clear,” everyone will be aware of their responsibilities. Please don’t hesitate to contact us, if you need additional details or would need more detailed guidance on certain scenarios.