Best HR Reports: Everything You Should Know About HR Reports | HR Analytics, Metrics & Dashboards

Best HR Reports: All the Information You Need

The human resources (HR) department is undoubtedly one of your company’s most crucial departments. A company’s HR department may make or ruin it. They go above and above to make sure that the best talent is found, attracted, and kept. Additionally, interactive HR reports give companies the tools they need to better understand their culture, identify developing difficulties or challenges, and implement preventative measures to manage their resources more effectively and with a focus on results.

To guarantee the efficient operation of a business, the HR department employs a variety of strategies. It handles operations, talent gaps, onboarding, resolving employee complaints, and other things. It also takes care of learning and development. Maintaining HR reports becomes essential for the HR department in order to stay on top of the important events going on around them.

What are HR Reports?

A human resources report is essentially an analytical tool for showing data about people and organisations with the main objective of utilizing HR dashboards to enhance employee performance, hiring practices, and other critical HR processes.

In order to make sure that your human resources efforts, activities, and projects are the best they can be for departments across the organisation, you may recognize trends, uncover inefficiencies, capitalize on strengths, and address weaknesses by using HR-driven metrics. HR is becoming more important, and reporting is essential not just to help professionals extract the best insights, but also to automate tasks that were previously done by hand. We’ll look at the numerous HR report types that analyze data from different viewpoints to put things in perspective.

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Why Are HR Reports Advantageous For A Company?

In order to make business decisions, HR reports are essential. Traditional data collection and storage methods result in a lot of paper being locked up in filing cabinets. In this maze of data, it would be nearly hard to find any patterns.

Digital HR reporting software is the best answer to this issue. Important data may be entered and obtained in real time while being filtered and sorted to provide useful data. Comprehensive business dashboards with predictive analytics capabilities allow businesses to forecast future HR events for risk mitigation and effective planning. Organizations benefit in three crucial ways from HR reports:

Recognize Any Organisational Issues

Organizations won’t develop if weak links aren’t reinforced. To ensure that personnel receives the proper training, HR departments act as a central hub for all departments to report organisational components that aren’t working. For instance, the sales department can find that half of the sales staff lacks strong negotiation skills, which prevents them from closing deals. This can be an indication of poor recruiting practices, or it might point to the need for training in successful negotiating techniques for this group of salespeople.

Another area where HR teams need to pay attention is employee turnover rates. A high turnover rate reveals the kind of workplace that employees are employed in. By addressing issues with the work environment, companies can keep their best employees.

Making Successful Strategies That Are Future-Focused

HR reporting offers a clear, data-driven picture that enables you to make decisions that have real, long-term advantages. It is a great way to build goals and actions in areas ranging from employee engagement to recruiting and beyond. Professionals can access data more rapidly as new business problems arise thanks to modern reporting methods, which also help them plan more strategically and efficiently.

Monitor Employee Performance

Proactive HR managers spot issues before they turn into catastrophes. Assistance in getting employees who are drowning above the water is an essential part of this operation. Employees won’t be able to progress if they don’t receive regular feedback and direction. Reassigning someone to a position that is more fit for them on occasion may be essential. How effectively staff are performing may be ascertained through weekly reports produced by HR reporting software.

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Important HR Reports 1
Important HR Reports One Must Know

Different HR Report Formats for Management

Employee Information HR Reports

Employee Information Reports include detailed information on all aspects of staff data, including employee numbers, attrition rates, diversity, revenue generated per employee, employee happiness and engagement levels, and average tenure.

Depending on the needs of the business, HR may utilize these reports to track all of the aforementioned indicators as well as other ones, such turnover rates by team, location, or department.

The key advantage of this report is that it enables one to assess and compare data across divisions, locations, and various cross-sections to obtain an in-depth understanding of the performance of the organisation.

HR Reports on Hiring

One of the most crucial reports that has shown to be very helpful in enhancing hiring strategies and raising candidate-to-hire transition rates is the recruitment human resources report. Your talent acquisition team may benefit much by measuring, analyzing, and grasping the numerous aspects involved in recruiting.

The following indicators are strongly advised for monitoring in recruiting reports:

  • The time dedicated to each contender
  • Amount of applicants considered in a certain frame
  • Offer decline rate – Offer rejection explanations
  • Total interviews conducted
  • Ratings of the interviews
  • The interview’s length – The many types of interviews
  • Trends in Job Applications, Email Applications, and Career Site Applications
  • The best sources for finding candidates
  • Sources that deliver the best candidates
  • Current job openings by department, location, and other factors
  • Potential employees and their behavioural tendencies

HR Reports on Onboarding and Offboarding

The importance of measuring onboarding and offboarding in HR has increased. Organizations now understand how important it is to maintain high rates of employee satisfaction and retention since doing so enhances the employer brand. Make sure you track the progress of your onboarding and offboarding procedures, perform pertinent employee surveys to learn their opinions, and analyze the results using reports to improve both.

Some important metrics to monitor are onboarding comments, drop-off rates before to onboarding, drop-off rates following 90 days, retention rates, training costs per employee, and ROI on each employee.

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HR Reports on Performance Management

Naturally, one must have a full awareness of your organization’s performance trends in order to increase employee performance. Keeping track of workers’ objectives, skill sets, KRAs, feedback, and other data is essential. Without this information, it will be difficult to compare each person to their peers, and promotions will be based more on opinions than on hard data. Using performance reviews as a starting point for staff evaluation makes sense.

Performance reviews may also demonstrate how well each employee is performing in relation to achieving their goals. They can emphasize an employee’s qualifications, their overall assessment scores, as well as the positive and negative feedback they individually got during the appraisal process. The availability of all of this crucial information can promote improved employee performance.

Some of the most frequent metrics to look at while assessing performance include the following:

  • Evaluations of employees
  • Time to productivity, income, and the amount of hours worked
  • The goals and performance of employees, as well as any improvements.
  • Review by peers, etc.

Levels, locations, departments, roles, and other factors can all be taken into consideration. To gauge how effectively product marketing is operating inside the organisation, one may track the performance of all product marketers, for instance.

Payroll HR Reports or Statements

The majority of the employee remuneration is managed by the finance department. On the other side, the HR division is in charge of payroll. As part of the measuring process, they must establish which group or pay level each employee falls under as well as how their compensation is computed.

Track pay reports, appraisal reports, paid time off reports, overtime compensation and dues reports, shift compensation, deductions, and financial reports according to each filter or criterion to better understand compensation.

Administration HR Reports

Budget/Analysis for New Hires

As the name implies, this report includes a list of every person who has been employed recently within a specified time frame. Details like the yearly pay, work status, and similar information are also included in the report.

Budget/Analysis for Terminations

This report includes a list of all the employees whose employment was terminated within a specified time frame. The report includes information on the dismissed employees’ salaries, if a replacement recruit has been brought in to take their place, and the cause for the termination, including whether it was voluntary or involuntary.

Budget/Analysis Terminations Budgeted

This report includes a list of the workers who were fired by the business and then hired again. The report also includes information on salaries, current job situations, dates of recruitment and termination in the past.


This is a section of the monthly HR reports for management that analyses the monthly turnover rate, or the number of dismissed employees. At times, it becomes difficult for the company to keep staff, which might cause a high turnover rate. The company subsequently creates measures to lower its turnover rate.

Paid Leave Analysis

For a certain set of employees, this report is used to provide a summary of the paid leave that is currently available. It offers information such as how many paid leave days are still available, how many hours have been worked, the employee’s compensation, and so forth.

Administration of Leave

This report gives information on the employees that were put “On Leave” for a certain date range. To create a list of employees on long-term leave, utilize this report. It contains information on the leave’s kind, length, if it is paid, and return date.

History of Employee Change

This report provides a summary of modifications made to an employee profile during a predetermined time period. It may include information about one’s home, marital status, and other factors.

Updated Status

This report gives an overview of all employee records for which a certain kind of account modification has been made within a specified time frame. This report is intended to pinpoint the accounts that have been impacted by particular data modifications, such as those to pay rates, job codes, hire dates, or termination dates.

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HR Reports One Must Know
Everything You Should Know About HR Reports

HR Reports on Equal Employment Opportunities

Equal opportunity in the workplace is a crucial idea for both employees and businesses. It makes ensuring that no particular gender, racial, or age group is discriminated against in an organization’s hiring practices.

Information on New Hires

This report will include information on recent hiring as well as other elements relevant to reporting on equal employment opportunities.

Information about Terminations

The regular Terminations report has been modified to include extra employee personal information necessary for Equal Employment Opportunity analysis.

Headcount for Equal Employment Opportunity

This report offers employee data in the manner required by the government for equal employment opportunities. All companies with more than 100 workers are required by law to file this form.

Miscellaneous HR Reports for Management

Employee Transfers

A list of all workers who have been moved to a new firm utilizing the Employee Transfer EAN and whose effective dates fall within the specified time frame is provided in this report. The report includes both the old and new businesses.

Service Period

For all workers inside the company, tenure information is included in this report. Utilize this report to do staff experience analyses by department, job function, geographic region, or other employee categories.

Working Anniversary

Every employee in the company has their employment anniversary date listed in this report. Create a list of employee anniversary dates using the report for appreciation programmes or other company needs.

Emergency Number

A list of all current emergency contacts for each employee in the company, complete with contact name, phone number, and relationship to the individual, is provided in this report.


This report gives a concise rundown of the most recent contact details assigned to each person inside the company, including their address, phone number, and email address.


For each employee in the business, a list of everyone’s birthdays is provided in this report, except the year of birth.

Postal Labels

This report offers a list of employee addresses in summary form that may be used to generate labels in MS Word and Excel.

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HR Reports on Workplace Safety

Reports of Employee Complaints

Employee complaints are frequently made, and it is crucial for the HR department to handle them and keep a record of them.

Audit of Workers’ Compensation

This report offers information on the pay of the laborer’s and employees.

Census of Workers’ Compensation

The compensation granted to the employees, the wages, the time it was given at, any changes in the compensation or pay, and similar matters are all thoroughly examined in this report.

Safety Updates

Reporting on workplace safety is the responsibility of the HR department. Especially when it comes to fields that tend to produce risks, like the chemical industry, building sites, etc. They are required to keep a record that includes information on any mishaps, accidents, casualties, losses, etc.

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Conclusion – HR Reports

The HR department’s ability to maintain its reports structured and current is crucial. Employee retention and even productivity may directly be impacted by HR reporting for management. A consistent stream of health, wellness, and other information will provide workers a sense of worth and value at work, which will impact retention.

Managers and team leads will benefit from the employee engagement reports by having a better knowledge of the teams and people that are engaged and being able to adjust their engagement strategies as necessary. It is reasonable to state that human resources (HR) provide a company life and breath.

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