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Harmful Insects | 20 Most Dangerous Insects to Plants | Pest

Pests can ruin a healthy harvest in a matter of days, whether it’s a growing crop in the field or vegetables in a terrace garden. Today, we’ll look at a few of the some most dangerous insects. In the fields, the farmer brothers’ information is only valuable, and they continue to make plans to deal with them; but, in our home gardens, these insects frequently wreak havoc on our plants.
You’ll be astonished to learn that 99 percent of insects are harmless, and some are even useful to plants; by the way, all insects play a crucial role in the maintenance of our eco system. lets discuss few most harmful insects to plants:-
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Aphids are sucking pests that attach to the leaves and sensitive twigs of plants and have a pale green translucent body. It moves slowly and takes the plant’s juice while remaining concealed below the leaves during the day. It raises its number greatly in a few days by feeding the same eggs.
It is a little leaf-dependent paste that feeds on young tender leaves to fill its stomach. Their growth is optimum in a hot, dry climate. The sap from the leaves causes the leaves to become yellow and become cup-shaped.
Fruit Borer
This insect’s female lays eggs around the flower buds. The larvae penetrate the buds after hatching from the egg. Even after the fruit has formed as a result of flowering, it remains in it and continues to feed on the fruit, spoiling it. When it reaches adulthood, it pierces the inside of the fruit and falls to the earth.
Black Beetle
The leaves become reticulated and spoiled as a result of sucking and swallowing the juice off the leaves. There is a danger of irritation if these insects come into touch with the skin.
Mealy Bug
Mealy bugs continuously expel white wax from their bodies, which coats their pink bodies and turns them white. It clings to the twig and suckes the sap from it; when a plant is severely attacked, the twig gets weak, and the plant eventually dries up.
Maggot Root
Rather than attacking the top of the plant, it attacks the roots. It is not visible to you, and it feeds its stomach by sucking the roots while it lives beneath the ground.
Spider Mite
These tiny mites reside beneath the leaves, sucking the sap. As a result, the leaves get pied. Its webs are sometimes seen on the plant as well.
Gall Mite
These are very small mites that live by sucking the plant’s sap, causing the plant’s growth to be harmed.
Leaf Miner
Many sorts of insects, including flies, moths, sawflies, and beetles, dwell on the leaves as larvae, causing white patches on the leaves or white trails. Lives.
The larvae consume the roots by biting or chewing them, while the adults consume the leaves at night.
Dahlias, chrysanthemums, and clematis blooms are its favourite foods.
Wooly Aphid
This insect’s body is covered in a white filament-like wax coating that resembles cotton or wool.
Cabbage Caterpillar
By feeding on closed goby and other kinds, this fast-eating bug damages the crop.
Remove The Worm
It eats plants by cutting them at or below the soil’s surface, and it cuts off young and fresh plants.
It harms the plant by sucking the juice from plant parts like fruits, flowers, and leaves, which causes the leaves to turn yellow and die. It causes the plants it attacks to twist, turn colourless, and wither. It can also be a carrier of a variety of viral infections.
Snails come in a variety of sizes and eat on nearly every component of the plant. Snails eat fungus and mushrooms in large numbers.
Slugs prefer broad-leaved plants and weeds, and they may wreak havoc on your landscape. They feed on all parts of the plant, including the leaves, stems, roots, and seeds.
It continues to destroy by consuming grass, weeds, leaves, bushes, and other plants by cutting or gnawing. It has the potential to do significant damage in a short amount of time.
Grasshoppers kill grass, weeds, leaves, bushes, and other plants by cutting or chewing them. It can potentially inflict significant damage in a short period of time.
White Fly
It punctures the leaves with a needle-like structure and sucks the sap or sap. As a result, the leaves become speckled as they continue to devour food from the lowest part of the leaves.
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