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Goddess Brahmacharini – An Introduction
The second day of Navratri is dedicated to the devotion of Goddess Brahmacharini. Mother Brahmacharini is thought to improve knowledge, intelligence, and discernment. They also strengthen a person’s talents and inner strength. Mother Brahmacharini is also referred to by the names Tapascharini, Aparna, and Uma. Inner tranquilly can be obtained by worshipping Maa Brahmacharini. So do tell us about Maa Brahmacharini’s devotion style on the second day of Navratri, Bhog and Mantra.
The Goddess Brahmacharini is the second of Mata Durga’s nine forms. Brahma signifies asceticism in this context. Brahmacharini is an austerity practitioner. It is also said-Vedastatvam Tapo Brahma-the meanings of the words Brahma are Veda, Tattva, and Tapa.
Who Is Mother Brahmacharini?
Maa Brahmacharini, the daughter of King Himalayas, is the second form of Parvati. She underwent arduous sadhana, chanting, and penance in order to obtain Lord Shiva as her spouse. This is why the deity is referred to as Brahmacharini.
Such is the Nature of Mother Brahmacharini
When it comes to the mother’s look, she is dressed in white. He has an eight-petal garland in his right hand and a mandala in his left. According to legend, Maa Brahmacharini endured tremendous penance in order to marry Lord Shiva. As a result, Maa is also known as Tapascharini or Brahmacharini. According to the Puranas, worshipping Maa Brahmacharini gives all perfections.
Also Read: Powerful Durga Mantra collection from Durga Saptashati
Importance of Worshiping Goddess Brahmacharini
Please tell us what the shape of Mata Brahmacharini is according to Puranas and traditions. Maa Brahmacharini is known as the goddess of knowledge and austerity in the texts. Brahma denotes austerity, whereas Charini denotes conduct. Worshiping Maa Brahmacharini brings about patience and enlightenment.
Benefits of Worshiping Goddess Brahmacharini
Worshiping Goddess Brahmacharini yields limitless benefits and strengthens virtues such as austerity, renunciation, renunciation, virtue, and restraint. Even in the midst of life’s most terrible challenges, a person never deviates from his responsibility. Meditation on Maa Brahmacharini is beneficial for achieving liberation from cravings.
Goddess Brahmacharini Prayer Method (Puja Vidhi)
- Anoint Maa Durga with Ganga water after lighting the candle in the home shrine.
- Now, present arghya to Maa Durga.
- Prasad should include Akshat, sindur, and red flowers, as well as fruits and sweets.
- Light incense and lights, recite Durga Chalisa, and then do Mother Aarti.
- Make offerings to the mother as well. Keep in mind that God only accepts sattvic gifts.
Favourite Things of Mother Brahmacharini
Maa Brahmacharini, according to religious beliefs, adores jaggery, lotus, white and fragrant flowers. In this situation, present Gurhal, lotus, white, and fragrant flowers to Maa Durga on the second day of Navratri.
Delight of Mother Brahmacharini
Sugar should be offered to Mother Durga on the second day of the Navratri festival. It is said that doing so bestows the benefit of longevity. Make sure to provide Mother Brahmacharini milk and milk-based foods.
Also Read: Shailputri Mata Puja on Day 1 of Navratri

Pooja Mantra for Goddess Brahmacharini (Prayer)
या देवी सर्वभूतेषु मां ब्रह्मचारिणी रूपेण संस्थिता
नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः
Yaa Devi Sarva-Bhutessu Brahmacharini Rupen Sanstitha.
Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namas-Tasyai Namo Namaha..
दधाना कपाभ्यामक्षमालाकमण्डलू
देवी प्रसीदतु मयि ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा
Dadhaanaa Kara-Padmaabhyaam-Akssamaalaa Kamannddaluu.
Devii Prasiidatu Mayi Brahmacaarinnyanuttamaa..
ब्रह्मचारयितुम शीलम यस्या सा ब्रह्मचारिणी।
सच्चीदानन्द सुशीला च विश्वरूपा नमोस्तुते।।
Brahmacharayaitum shilam yasya sa brahmacharini.
Sachchidananda Sushila Cha Vishwaroopa Namostute..
ओम देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः॥
Om Devi Brahmacharinyai Namaha.
तपश्चारिणी त्वंहि तापत्रय निवारणीम्।
ब्रह्मरूपधरा ब्रह्मचारिणी प्रणमाम्यहम्॥
शंकरप्रिया त्वंहि भुक्ति-मुक्तिदायिनी।
शान्तिदा ज्ञानदा ब्रह्मचारिणीप्रणमाम्यहम्॥
Tapascharini tvamhi tapatraya nivarannim.
brahmarupadhara brahmcharini pranmamyaham..
Shankarpriya tvamhi bhukti-mukti dayini.
Shantida Gyanada Brahmacharinipranmamyaham..
Meditation Mantra
वन्दे वांछित लाभायचन्द्रार्घकृतशेखराम्।
जपमालाकमण्डलु धराब्रह्मचारिणी शुभाम्॥
Vande Vanchhit Labhaychandrarghkratshekharam
Japamalakamandalu Dharabrahmacharini Shubham
Also Read: Durga Mantras, Durga Chalisa & Durga Arti

Birth Story of Goddess Brahmacharini
When she was a daughter in the home of Himalayas, she had done very hard penance to obtain Lord Shankar ji as her spouse via Narada’s teachings. Because of her arduous penance, she was given the name Tapascharini (Brahmacharini). He spent a thousand years eating just fruits and roots, then another hundred years subsisting solely on veggies. The goddess withstood the horrible hardships of rain and sunshine beneath the open sky while fasting for a few days.
Following this difficult penance, she worshipped Lord Shiva for three thousand years by eating only the fallen leaves on the ground. She ceased eating even dry bel leaves after that and practised waterless and fasting austerity for several thousand years. One of her names was Arpana since she refused to eat even the leaves.
The body of Brahmacharini Devi grew exceedingly frail as a result of this terrible penance of several thousand years; noticing her condition, her mother Mena was very grieved and summoned ‘Uma’ to discourage her from this arduous penance. Since then, one of Goddess Brahmacharini’s names has become Uma. There was an uproar in the three realms as a result of his penance. The deities, sages, siddhas, and sages all began to praise Goddess Brahmacharini’s austerity, hailing her as an exceptional virtue.
Finally, Pitamah Brahma ji, speaking to him via Akashvani, said joyfully, ‘O Goddess! No one has ever performed as harsh penance as you have. Everyone admires your great performance. All of your requests will be granted. Lord Chandramouli Shivji would undoubtedly provide you with a spouse. Now that you’ve returned home after abstaining from penance, your father will be calling you shortly.’
Also Watch: All About Navratri & Gupt Navratri
Aarti of Goddess Brahmacharini
Jay Ambe Brahmaachaarinee Maata, Jay Chaturaanan Priy Sukh Daata
Brahma Jee Ke Man Bhaatee Ho, Gyaan Sabhee Ko Sikhalaatee Ho
Brahma Mantr Hai Jaap Tumhaara, Jisako Jape Sakal Sansaara
Jay Gaayatree Ved Kee Maata, Jo Man Nis Din Tumhen Dhyaata
Kamee Koee Rahane Na Pae, Koee Bhee Dukh Sahane Na Pae
Usakee Virati Rahe Thikaane, Jo Teree Mahima Ko Jaane
Rudraaksh Kee Maala Le Kar, Jape Jo Mantr Shraddha De Kar
Aalas-Chhod-Kare-Gunagaana, Maan-Tum-Usako-Sukh-Pahunchaana
Brahmaachaarinee-Tero-Naam, Poorn-Karo-Sab-Mere-Kaam
Bhakt-Tere-Charanon-Ka-Pujaaree, Rakhana-Laaj-Meree-Mahataaree
Aarti of Goddess Brahmacharini in Hindi
जय-अंबे-ब्रह्माचारिणी-माता, जय-चतुरानन-प्रिय-सुख-दाता
ब्रह्मा-जी-के-मन-भाती-हो, ज्ञान-सभी-को-सिखलाती-हो
ब्रह्मा-मंत्र-है-जाप-तुम्हारा, जिसको-जपे-सकल-संसारा
जय-गायत्री-वेद-की-माता, जो-मन-निस-दिन-तुम्हें-ध्याता
कमी-कोई-रहने-न-पाए, कोई-भी-दुख-सहने-न-पाए
उसकी-विरति-रहे-ठिकाने, जो-तेरी-महिमा-को-जाने
रुद्राक्ष-की-माला-ले-कर, जपे-जो-मंत्र-श्रद्धा-दे-कर
आलस-छोड़-करे-गुणगाना, मां-तुम-उसको-सुख-पहुंचाना
ब्रह्माचारिणी-तेरो-नाम, पूर्ण-करो-सब-मेरे-काम
भक्त-तेरे-चरणों-का-पुजारी, रखना-लाज-मेरी-महतारी