Get Your Body Ready For Pregnancy? | Important Precautions

How Do You Get Your Body Ready For Pregnancy?

Giving your child the best possible start in life begins with preparing your health before you become pregnant. Your health and the medications you’re taking can all have an impact on your chances of a safe pregnancy.

Making some lifestyle adjustments, such as eating a more balanced diet and exercising more, can be useful.


How Do You Get Your Body Ready For Pregnancy


Is It Necessary For Me To See A Doctor Before Becoming Pregnant?

Yes. Before becoming pregnant, it is advisable to get medical advice. If you have a long-term medical problem, such as epilepsy, asthma, or diabetes, you should see a doctor.

Before conceiving, you may need to make certain changes to your treatment. This is due to the fact that some drugs are dangerous to an unborn child. Some acne medications, for example, are not safe to take while pregnant. If you’re changing your treatment, it’ll take some time for your body to adjust.

Three months before you want to conceive, you should see a doctor. If you have a medical concern, it’s critical to get it under control before becoming pregnant. It’s also not a good idea to use medicines like ibuprofen without consulting a doctor, as they’re not safe to take during early pregnancy.


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What Happens At A Pre-Conception Doctor’s Appointment?

This appointment with the doctor is an excellent time to discuss your health issues and concerns.

The doctor will most likely inquire about the following:

  • Your overall health and lifestyle
  • Your eating habits
  • Any menstrual-related issues
  • How much do you exercise?
  • Whether or whether your employment entails working with hazardous materials
  • Your health status, such as if you are currently depressed or have previously been depressed

Your doctor would most likely advise you to reduce weight if you are overweight and have a BMI of 23 or higher. Losing weight can help you conceive more easily and give your pregnancy a healthier start.

If you’re underweight, get your BMI from your doctor. Discuss healthy ways to gain weight. Your menstrual cycle is more likely to be irregular if you are underweight. You will not be able to release an egg during each menstrual cycle if you skip your period. Between 18.5 to 22.9 is considered a healthy BMI.

The doctor will also want to know about any current health issues you are experiencing, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (blood pressure)

Your doctor may also check for low thyroid levels, PCOS, uterine fibroids, and endometriosis, depending on your health and symptoms.

It may also be beneficial for the doctor to be aware of the following:

  • Information concerning hereditary problems in your family. Tell your doctor if anyone in your family has Down’s syndrome, sickle cell disease, thalassemia, or cystic fibrosis. They can provide you with further assistance and advice.
  • Details on how you use contraception. Most contraceptives have little effect on the time it takes to conceive after you stop using them. However, if you used a contraceptive injectable, your fertility may take up to a year to restore after the final dose.

The doctor may also inquire about previous miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies, or losses. Reliving these traumatic events may be tough for you. Keep in mind, however, that understanding what has occurred to you in the past will assist your doctor in providing you with the best possible care.


Will I Be Required To Take Any Medical Tests?

This will be determined by your circumstances as well as your overall health. The following tests or tests may be recommended by your doctor:


Test of the Blood

If your doctor suspects you have anemia, she will almost certainly suggest a blood test.

You may need to be tested for genetic illnesses like sickle-cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease, and thalassemia, depending on your ethnic origin and medical history.

If you are unsure whether or not you are immune to rubella, a blood test will be required.

Your doctor may also do a toxoplasmosis test on you. A simple blood test can reveal whether or not you’ve ever had the condition. You can’t get toxoplasmosis again if you’ve had it before.


Urine Examination

The presence of certain chemicals in the urine can alert a clinician to a problem early on. This issue could pose issues for you or your child in the future. You will be requested to take a urine test if you have even the tiniest probability of acquiring a urinary tract infection (UTI).

If your doctor suspects any issues, it’s best to rule them out before getting pregnant.

Sexually Transmitted Diseases Screening Tests (STDs)

Your doctor may also suggest that you get tested for sexually transmitted infections (STDs), such as:

  • Hepatitis B
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis C

Treatment for certain disorders prior to conception improves the odds of a successful pregnancy.


Smear of the Cervical Mucosa

When was the last time you had a cervical smear test? If the next test isn’t due for another year, schedule it now. During pregnancy, smear tests are usually avoided. Because changes in your cervix might occur during pregnancy, interpreting the results can be tricky.


Ready For Pregnancy


Is It Necessary For Me To Get Any Immunizations Before I Become Pregnant?

Many preventable diseases can lead to miscarriage or birth problems, so make sure you’re up to date on all of your vaccinations. If you’re unsure about vaccinations, a simple blood test can determine whether or not you’ve been inoculated against diseases such as rubella (German measles).

If you need to be vaccinated against a live virus, such as rubella, you must wait a month following the immunization to conceive. This is a preventative measure because the body is thought to require time to eliminate itself of the virus injected.

It’s also a good idea to get vaccinated against the little mother (chickenpox). If you have chickenpox for the first time during your pregnancy, it can be harmful to your unborn child. If you had this common sickness as a youngster, though, you are already resistant to it.

You can also get vaccinated against hepatitis B if you are in a high-risk group for the disease.

Also, check with your doctor to see if a tetanus booster vaccine is required. The tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine is administered to protect you and your baby from tetanus while you are pregnant.


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Should I Take Any Supplements Before I Start Trying To Conceive?

You will receive five milligrams as soon as you decide to become a mother. Daily folic acid supplementation should be initiated. Taking folic acid lowers the risk of neural tube abnormalities like spina bifida significantly.

Getting enough folic acid is especially crucial in the first few weeks of pregnancy. You might not even realize you’re pregnant throughout that period. In the first few weeks of life, your baby’s brain and neurological system are rapidly developing.

Also, inform your doctor if you have any of the following conditions:

  • You have a family history of neural tube abnormalities
  • You have diabetes
  • You have celiac disease
  • You use epilepsy medication
  • Your BMI is greater than 23

Depending on your health, your doctor may advise you to take additional supplements after you get pregnant.


What about Smoking, Drinking, or Doing Drugs?

Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking illegal substances might harm your baby’s health and raise your chances of miscarriage. As a result, it is preferable to leave them now, before a pregnancy is discovered.


Your doctor can help you break these habits before you get pregnant by referring you to a support group. Experts are divided on how much alcohol is safe for an unborn child. If you are planning to become a mother, though, you should fully abstain from alcohol. If you still want to drink alcohol, limit yourself to one or two units each week. Never drink and drive. Consult your doctor if you believe you require assistance in limiting your alcohol consumption.

If you use illegal substances, your doctor may recommend further aid to ensure that your child has a healthy start in life.

You can print off our list of physical preparation before conception if you want to keep track of all your tests and immunizations. The body isn’t the only thing that needs to be prepared for a child’s birth. Find out what lifestyle modifications you should make here.

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