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9 Simple Yoga Poses for Epilepsy
Most people will be familiar with epilepsy, but few will be familiar with how to deal with it. It is one of the most deadly brain ailments, and anybody can become a victim at any time. Although there are numerous current therapeutic options available, their adverse effects might exacerbate the disease. In such cases, yoga can be a precise and safe solution for the prevention and treatment of epilepsy. This article on provides important information on yoga asanas for epilepsy and how yoga may help prevent epilepsy.
First and foremost, please explain how yoga can help with epilepsy.
How Yoga Can Help With Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a deadly brain illness in which the person’s nerve cells are damaged, resulting in seizures. Epileptic seizures have both mental and physical consequences. As a result, treatment is critical.
Yoga, in addition to contemporary medications, can be an effective method of avoiding epilepsy. There are several asanas in yoga that can aid with epilepsy by enhancing the functioning of the central nervous system and allowing it to work correctly. Yoga can also help to prevent seizures by addressing the causes of epilepsy, such as stress.
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Simple Yoga Poses for Epilepsy | Yogasanas for Epilepsy (Mirgi) Treatment
The precise information regarding Yogasana and its approach for treating epilepsy is provided below in point form.
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Epilepsy can be avoided by doing Uttanasana. Actually, according to a scientific research, Uttanasana helps to relieve mental tension. As previously stated, stress is a primary cause of epilepsy. As a result, reducing stress can help to prevent epilepsy. Learn how to do Uttanasana in the video below:-
How to Do
- To begin, set a yoga mat on a level surface.
- Now adopt a cautious posture.
- Raise your hands to the sky.
- Now, without folding your hands, lean forward.
- Next, attempt to touch the toes of both feet with both hands. Remember that the knees should not be bent at all.
- Take your head as close to your knees as you can.
- Once you’ve mastered this technique, try to grip the top half of the heel by sliding your hands towards the rear of your feet.
- Now attempt to hold this stance for a few seconds.
- Return to your starting position gradually. This cycle can be repeated four or five times.
- If you suffer from knee or back problems, you should avoid performing this yoga.
- Keep in mind that you should not practise this yoga straight after eating.
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The body position in this Yogasana is similar to that of a fish. Matsyasana yoga can aid in stress reduction. Explain that stress can trigger seizures in epileptic individuals. In such a case, it is reasonable to think that lowering stress will reduce the probability of epileptic seizures to some level.
How to Do
- First, place a yoga mat on the floor, and then sit in the Padmasana stance.
- Gently bend your back and lie down on your back.
- Next, grip the left foot with your right hand and the right foot with your left hand.
- After that, while taking a deep breath, try to elevate the chest, bearing in mind that the head should remain linked to the ground throughout this time.
- Try to hold this stance for a few seconds.
- Return to your starting posture while exhaling.
- This yoga cycle can be repeated two or three times.
- Ladies with spinal diseases and pregnant ladies should avoid doing this yoga.

It is often referred to as the kid position. The advantages of practising this asana can also protect you against epilepsy. Seizures occur when nerve cells (nerve cells) or neurons transmit incorrect signals. Balasana yoga, on the other hand, can improve the functioning of the central nervous system, which can help avoid epilepsy.
How to Do
- To begin, set a yoga mat on a level surface.
- Be seated back on your heels, knees bent.
- Keep in mind that the hips must remain only on the heels.
- Try leaning forward and resting your forehead on the ground.
- Raise your hands from both sides of your body and place them on the ground.
- The palm will be stuck to the ground throughout this time.
- Apply gentle pressure to the chest through the thighs.
- Now, hold this pose for as long as your body allows.
- Now gently rise and sit in a regular position.
- You can repeat this yoga cycle 3-5 times.
- Do not practise this yoga if you have undergone an abdominal procedure, and pregnant women should avoid it as well.
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Pigeon Mudra is another name for it. Kapotasana has also been shown to help with epilepsy. In fact, a deficiency in metabolism from birth is thought to be a key cause of epilepsy. Kapotasana, on the other hand, can act to increase metabolic rate, which can aid in the prevention of epilepsy. Nevertheless, advance study is desirable in this area.
How to Do
- First, sit in Vajrasana and then stand on your knees.
- Now, elevate your hands in front of you and move your body backwards in the shape of a curve.
- Uphold a flat/even palm onthe ground.
- In this position, the palms will be touching the ground and the body will be curved.
- Maintain this stance by keeping your head between your ankles.
- Now, with both hands, grasp the ankles of the feet.
- Hold this stance for as long as your body allows.
- Return to your original state gradually.
- Perform this method two to three times more.
- Avoid performing this yoga without the guidance of a yoga instructor.
- People with back issues should avoid doing this yoga.
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Pawanmuktasana is a yoga asana that is performed while lying on one’s back. This asana may help with epilepsy. In fact, a scientific investigation discovered that stress is a cause of seizures in epileptic individuals. At the same time, a research found that doing Pawanmuktasana on a daily basis can help reduce stress, which can help avoid epileptic episodes.
How to Do
- To begin, set a yoga mat on a level surface.
- Lie on your back and close the gap between your legs.
- Now, take a deep breath and lift and bend your legs from the knees.
- Tightly grip your knees with your arms.
- Now, as you exhale, attempt to raise your knees up to your chest.
- Raise your head and try to connect your chin to your knees.
- Uphold this pose for a limited seconds.
- Return to your original state gradually.
- This yoga cycle can be repeated three times.
- If you suffer from back problems, you should avoid performing this yoga.

Ardha Halasana
This yoga pose is regarded relatively simple to perform, however the person performing it must have strong control. One of the risk factors for epilepsy is hypertension. Hypertension, on the other hand, can be treated by Ardha Halasana. More study is needed to determine how directly this asana will be useful for epilepsy.
How to Do
- First, choose a flat surface and put out the yoga mat.
- Lie on your back on this yoga mat.
- Straighten your legs now.
- Next, bring your hands forward and press your palms against the ground.
- After that, carefully elevate your legs to a 90-degree angle.
- The hands will remain linked to the ground during this time.
- Attempt to grip this position for a small number of seconds.
- Remember that the equilibrium of this posture must be maintained only by the power of the stomach and legs.
- Return to your original position gradually.
- This yoga cycle can be done three to four times.
- People with back discomfort and back pain should avoid performing this yoga;
- Ardha Halasana should be side-stepped by pregnant ladies.
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Salamb Shirshasana
Salamb Shirshasana also aids in stress reduction, which is thought to be a primary cause of epilepsy. However, further scientific research is needed to determine how effective this yoga is in preventing epilepsy.
How to Do
- To begin, spread the mat out on a level surface.
- Sit on your knees on the mat.
- Now, stretch your hands forward and place them on the ground to interlock your fingers.
- Place your head between your palms.
- Now, support your head with your palms.
- Take a deep breath and slowly raise your knees off the ground.
- Attempt to straighten the waist.
- Keep in mind that the body’s weight should be on the palms.
- Raise your knees gently and attempt to straighten your legs towards the sky.
- Straightening the legs will bring the body to a 90-degree angle with the support of the head.
- Grip this posture for as extended as you can.
- If someone is practising this yoga for the first time, he should use a wall or the assistance of another person.
- This yoga cycle can be done three to four times.
- Do not practise this yoga without the guidance and counsel of a yoga instructor, and
- Avoid practising it even if you are pregnant.
- If someone feels dizzy while performing this yoga, stop doing it.

The advantages of Shavasana Yoga can also be shown in the prevention of epilepsy. It is also known as lifeless body position. As stated before in the text, stress is also one of the causes of seizures in epilepsy sufferers. At the same time, it can aid in stress reduction through Shavasana Yoga. This reduces the chance of seizures.
How to Do
- Place a yoga mat on a level area and lie down on your back.
- Place both of your hands one foot away from your body.
- During this time, the palms will remain towards the sky.
- Keep your feet at a 2-foot spacing from each other.
- At the same time, the face will remain fixed on the sky.
- Close your eyes comfortably now.
- Continue to breathe and exhale normally.
- Grip this posture for a small number of seconds.
- Return to your original position.
- For optimal results, perform this asana every day.
- If you have a back, arm, or head injury, you should avoid doing this yoga.
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Anulom Vilom
Anulom-Vilom is a breathing practise and a kind of Pranayama. It can assist calm the neurological system, which aids with seizure control. Inhale through one nostril and expel through the other during this pranayama.
How to Do
- Select a clean location and lay down a yoga mat or a clean sheet.
- Keep in mind that anulom-vilom will only be performed with the right hand’s thumb and middle finger.
- Now sit in Padmasana position, with the paws of your left leg on your right thigh and the paws of your right leg on your left thigh.
- Those who cannot sit in Padmasan posture can sit in Sukhasan stance.
- If sitting on the ground is problematic, a chair can be used instead.
- Keep your waist straight and both eyes closed.
- Take a long, deep breath in and gently exhale. After then, attempt to focus your attention.
- Then, using the thumb of your right (straight) hand, seal your right nostril and take a slow, deep inhale through your left nostril.
- Do not force breathing; instead, take as many deep breaths as possible.
- Close the left nostril with your right middle finger and slowly exhale while withdrawing your thumb from the right nostril.
- After a brief interval, take a deep inhale through the right nostril.
- Now, shut the right nostril with your right thumb and exhale gently by withdrawing your right hand’s middle finger from the left nostril.
- One cycle of Anulom-Vilom Pranayama will be accomplished in this manner.
- Five to seven such cycles can be completed at once. This technique takes roughly 10 minutes every day.
- The advantages of Anulom Vilom are greater in the morning than in the evening.
- If this is someone’s first time practising Anulom-Vilom, they should do it under the guidance of a yoga instructor.
- To maximise the effects of Anulom-Vilom, pay close attention to your diet.
- Check that the Anulom-Vilom stages are right.
- People with major heart disease or blood pressure problems should only practise this asana after seeing a doctor;
- Pregnant women should also visit a doctor before practising this yoga.
After performing all of the following yogasanas for epilepsy, it is customary to say Shanti. Which contains a mantra “ सर्वेभवन्तु–सुखिनः–सर्वेसन्तु–निरामयाः, सर्वेभद्राणि–पश्यन्तु–माकश्चिद्–दुःखभाग्भवेत्। ॐ–शांतिः–शांतिः–शांतिः ” “ SarveBhavantu-Sukhinaha-SarveSantu-Niramayaha-SarveBhadrani-Pashyantu-MaKashchid-DukhBhagbhavet. Om-Shantihi-Shantihi-Shantihi ” must be said aloud. Aside from that, the precautions recommended during the yoga procedure must be followed. You may also go to a yoga instructor once to fully understand the yoga poses. I hope you found this essay useful.