Difference Between IVF And Surrogacy? | Effective Fertility Treatment

What Is The Difference Between IVF And Surrogacy? 

For people battling with infertility and a desire to have a child, advances in science and infertility treatments have made the path to becoming a parent easier. Infertility has increased as a result of this generation’s fast-paced lifestyle and harmful habits. In ancient Indian society, infertility was a taboo subject, and people avoided discussing it.

However, religious epics such as the ‘Mahabharata’ contain some fascinating stories concerning infertility, and people at the time used scientific methods. And how to use analysis to approach this challenge. As a result, even after such occurrences, some people grow disheartened and depressed over their inability to conceive. Everyone has the right to love their parents and to experience the joy of being a child. As a result, couples struggling with infertility or infertility are turning to procedures such as test tube babies and surrogacy to become parents. Today, we will discuss the differences between a test tube baby and surrogacy, as well as which option is superior.


difference between IVF and surrogacy test tube baby
Which Fertility Treatment Is More Effective?


What Exactly Is A Test Tube?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a term that refers to fertilisation inside a glass tube. An infertile female is maintained under supervision with proper medication until she lays a mature egg, which is usually referred to as a “test tube baby.” The egg is then removed by the doctor and mixed with sperm from a man (father or donor) outside the body in a procedure known as egg removal.

In a laboratory, IVF scientists retain the sperm and eggs in a specific container for a few days. After normal inspection, the developing embryos are inserted in a female fallopian tube using a procedure known as ’embryo transfer.’ The pregnancy will be terminated if this surgery is performed correctly and the fallopian tube connects to the foetus. For any parent, this procedure is hard and emotionally draining; yet, maintaining a positive attitude can help you get the best outcomes from this treatment.


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What Is The Definition Of Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is a procedure in which an infertile couple hires a surrogate mother to carry their child. The decision to have a child through surrogacy might be made for a variety of reasons. For example, if the couple is unable to have children of their own, or if the lady herself does not wish to have a child, the woman’s life is in danger. A surrogate mother is a woman who bears another person’s child in her womb. The original mother’s eggs are fertilised with high motility sperm from either the father or the donor at the appropriate moment.

Male infertility or a low motility sperm count can arise, necessitating the use of a sperm donor to help with the surrogacy process. When the mature egg and sperm successfully form an embryo, the final stage of the process begins with the transfer of the embryo in the zygote position to the surrogate mother’s fallopian tube or uterus to finish the reproduction process. The couple will welcome the new member into the family after the surrogate mother gives birth to a child. Genetically, the child is the offspring of the original parents.


Fundamental Distinction

The key difference among IVF and surrogacy is that in IVF, the egg is inseminated outside of the female’s body, while in surrogacy, the egg is put in another female’s womb and she carries the child for 9 months. When it comes to the costs of both treatments, the typical cost of IVF in India is around 1 to 3 lakhs, while the cost of surrogacy is approximately 15 to 20 lakhs.


Difference Between Surrogacy And A Test Tube Baby (IVF)


Danger or Unintended Consequence

Because IVF involves extensive medical procedures, some side effects are unavoidable. Bloating, bleeding, breast tenderness, cramps, drug-induced allergic reactions, headache, mood swings, swollen and painful ovaries, and infections are only some of the symptoms. During the IVF process, some people experience depression and anxiety. Surrogacy: If a couple chooses to have a child through this method, the procedure involves the negative effects of IVF.

Aside from that, there are several hazards that a surrogate mother suffers in the same way that a biological mother does when pregnant. Furthermore, carrying your child in the womb despite knowing that the child is not hers and that she is exclusively responsible for carrying the child in the womb may pose an emotional risk.


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What’s The Better Option?

After you’ve weighed all of the pros and cons of both infertility treatments, you can decide if surrogacy or IVF is best for you. Consider your options and prepare yourself accordingly. You should opt to take this step based on your patience, emotional support, and financial resources. Gather research, consult your doctors, and question people who have gone through similar experiences before beginning treatment so that you are prepared for any eventuality.

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